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"I used to hold my freak back
Now I'm letting go
I make my own choice
Bitch, I run this show
So leave the lights on
No, you can't make me behave"


"How did you know?" He asked, is face the definition of shocked. I didn't, know i do. Oh my god, I'm so thankful that worked. If they kidnapped me there's a good chance at least somebody's in a suit. That's what dad used to wear all the time, every day.

"Now why would i tell you that? Hmm?" He huffs, and puffs and blows the house down. "Back to what i was talking about earlier, we have your precious garden." He fake smiles. Huh? You have my what? Wait a damn minute- "Oh suck a dick." I say to him, Eden is not a garden.

He chuckles at this, i role my eyes. "We have him locked up waiting for a release." What are you, fucking him? "What do want from me?" I ask. "All i want is cooperation and your beloved garden will be returned to you unscathed." I slam my fist on the desk. "Stop! Stop calling him a damn garden, you limp dick!" I plop back in my chair, proud of what i said.

He chuckles. "You are" he pauses, "creative, Miss. Morterelli." I chuckle, try saying that 5 times, fast. "If you agree to become our weapon you will riches and power, anything anyone could ever want."

I want to go to sleep, besides riches and power aren't everything. I've had my everything, they all died. Trisha, Diego, Mom, Dad- even dad they're all gone. It's like I'm cursed to forever be alone.

Well this is all very depressing.
Uhhh, what the fuck was that. Who are you and why are you in my head. My name is Datrona i don't know anymore than you do, but i would like to get back to my original host. Ooohh, looks like someone's been watching to much Venom.

Uhg you're even more immature then she is. Who is this she? Her name is Zarimia, she's in a cell similar to yours, but hers is much more, tainted. Ok, so what does this all have to do with me? If you got here on your own, you can get out on your own.

"Athena?" I hear him say, i almost forgot he was here. "What?" He looked down at his watch and said, "I'll let you in on a little secret; the Marines don't like being told no." he smirked. Huh? The marines wouldn't do this, i look at his name tag and smirk.

"I don't believe you, again you have no proof Mr. Penis" Im gonna have fun with this, oh yeah. He growls and slams his fist on his desk. "What are you, a dog?" I giggle, c'mon now I'm thirteen, I'm aloud to be immature sometimes.

"It's Pe'enis, it's french for fucks sake!" (Get the reference?😏) he pronounced it as "pee-en-is" it's like his parents wanted him to be bullied. He looked at me, anger in his eyes. "You're starting to get annoying. Your training starts now." He said as he glanced at the mirror one last time and got up to leave.

"What? I told you im not doing it." I said, sternly. "Boys take her to the P.T.R. she'll be training with Zarimia." He says as two fucking apes come pick me up by my arms.

"Stop! I said no!" I grunted out. Calm down let them take you, Zarimia is a friend- remember her? The girl i kept talking to about. She's my original host, we need her if you want me out of your head.

You make things so bitter, i feel bad for this girl. I calm down and let them take me. As we pass by Mr. Penis i stick my tounge out at him. We turn right and go down a long white hallway.

There's doors on the walls that are also white. At the end of the hallway there's a black door with the words, "Auszubildende" what's that mean? (Translation: "Trainees")

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