Chapter eight- 1738

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George knew he'd have to be quick. He put the number in messages and began typing.

"Hi, it's George from school. I just want you to know I'm still alive. This isn't my phone so don't reply, I'll know that you seen it. I hope I can see you soon. I'm safe, just a lot of stuff is happening but I'll be back, love you" George quickly sent the message, listening close in case anyone came in the room.

Instantly the chat bubble popped up. Of course he didn't listen when George said not to reply. He didn't have time for a conversation. "George wtf did you run away or something??" He said.

"I can't talk a lot right now but no I didn't. Please don't tell anyone your texting me, seriously" George typed quick.

"Are you sure? What even happened? Are you with someone?"

George felt like Dream would be returning soon but he knew his friend wouldn't stop. "I was kind of kidnapped but I'm fine, the person is very cool"

"You were fucking kidnapped? The person is cool? Who tf says that weird shit" his friend freaked out which was expected. "I have to go, I'll see you soon"

The phone began ringing. George sat up straight in shock and tried to stop it. Dream had a more fancy phone so he didn't know how to turn it off. "Brandon you fucking idiot" George whispered as he panicked. There was no hang up button.

He clicked the off button which silenced it. "You fucking bitch. I can literally die, stop calling and texting" George texted quicker.

"Wtf is going on, answer" he called again and George immediately pressed the off button. Luckily it didn't turn the phone off, it only silenced it. "Please" George said. His friend finally complied. "I have to delete your number" George texted.

"I knew it" Dream walked in with a smile. "Fuck" George turned the phone off and tossed it somewhere on the mattress. "That was a test, please don't tell me you did something dumb" Dream didn't actually expect George to go on it again.

"No- I texted someone but it's ok, I didn't do anything wrong." Dream was kneeled in front of George on his phone. George had his bottom lip in between his teeth biting hard. Staring at Dream. "Who's this?" He furrowed his eyebrows at what George could only assume were the messages.

"It's Brandon, you know him. The nerd in school that your friends stole from. He's- he's a good person, he won't do anything to get us in trouble. Really, don't be mad, he's-"

"Relax, I'm not mad, I'd never be mad at you." Dream didn't look up. "My password is 1738 if you need to get in. The only things you can't do is text or call anyone that could get you in trouble, no family members, got it?" Dream looked up to George with a soft look.

George was extremely confused about what Dream said. "Are you serious?"

"Depends, can I trust you?"

George quickly nodded. "Ok. Then yes I'm serious." Dream smiled. He tossed the phone in George's lap and sat beside him on the bed, "just know Brandon could die if he did anything bad." He said so casually.

"I can text him?" George asked. "Mhm."

"I- Dream, thank you so much. Seriously," he smiled big and went to continue typing. Dream wrapped an arm around George's shoulder and rested his head on his shoulder, reading the messages the two sent.

Dream kissed the smallers neck softly which made George shiver a bit. "Goodnight." Dream went and got under the covers laying down. The amount of trust he had in George was overwhelming. George felt like if he ruined the trust even a little bit he'd feel like shit,

He didn't have a clue why the taller was so confident in George not texting his mom or even calling the cops. What reason did George have not to?

"I know you love me, that's why I trust you." Dream said in a raspy and muffled voice under the blankets. It was like he read George's mind.

George sent his last text to his friend which was goodnight. He explained everything and his friend, Brandon, seemed to understand well. He was glad George was at least not with a complete stranger. He promised not to tell anyone until George was completely ready.

He eventually cuddled up into Dream and fell asleep with him. It was like they were dating. So comfortable, having no idea about the stuff they would have to face tomorrow.


Your very loved and you matter more than you think. Everyone looks unique and that's what makes them beautiful. You are beautiful and extremely important. Next time you tell your self otherwise, remember your being a nimrod and that you are in fact AWSOME AND PERFECT!! Love you<3

I'll stay with you - dreamnotfoundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن