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Jungkook had presumed that his disappearance wouldn't be noticed at home. The poor boy was so wrong.

His sister was at home and so was his father. His sister worried, might have come asking about his whereabouts as what it seemed from her face. His father didn't waste a second and the boy was brutally beaten up.

His sister merely stood there, just watching the inhumane violence with which he was being treated.

It wasn't the hard jabs and blows and words of nothing but brutality from his father that hurt him; what hurt him more was his sister.

She saw everything but overlooked again, just like how she'd done for years. She zipped her lips as she walked out.

The thought was now piercing through his head, he wasn't sure if she was the right person to trust.

Even after that night, when he saw her clap in the audience, he thought she would appreciate him more, maybe just enough.

But her unsympathetic behavior proved that she was tired of watching this daily, no one he had to hope for.

He wished he had never left Lisa there, because now grounded in his room for more than a day, starving and living with fear, he had no more room to escape.

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