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It is often said,

Where there's a will, there's a way.

For years, Jungkook didn't seem to understand the phrase. Probably today is when he was starting to comprehend the actual meaning behind it.

Jungkook wasn't going to give up just now. He was determined to find Lisa, no matter what cost he'd have to pay for it.

So he recalled the helpline number again.

He called there, not once or twice, but numerous; he wasn't going to stop until he would find the answers to his questions.

Jisoo earlier ignored the boy as he kept pestering her continuously. Until she came to a saturation point when she started to pity him. She figured out one thing; this guy was ready to give his damn time for her friend, he didn't seem evil. Moreover, he was so desperate that he would go to any extent if he were to earn their trust.

Her heart kept asking the same question again and again:

Was it okay to trust this boy, even if it meant just this once?

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