January 30, 2021

145 22 5

[A/N: Trigger warning: please read with care. Some content may be unhealthy for some readers.

PS. I used English language in this story to practice my vocabulary. Should you notice some grammar errors, I'm very willing to be corrected. Teehee.]

Story begins here:


January 30, 2021.

I let my eyes wander through the night as I held the bridge's cold metal bar tightly. I climbed up the cold metal bar and opened my arms as I welcomed the air to embrace me.

Am I ready?

The cold breeze were hugging me and the winds were whistling, neither saying stop nor go.

10 days before killing myself, huh?

Why would I wait for ten more days if I can do it right here, right now?

I let out a deep breath, enough to make some heat touch my face. I looked at the friendless sky and it's urging me to do the jump. One jump and it'll be all over, right?

I closed my eyes and swinged my left foot in front, balancing with my right foot. My legs shook as the thought of me being dead dawdle - whether it was a shake of excitement or fear, I'm not sure.

"Excuse me?"

It was a girl's voice.

"Are you awake?" said she.

I'm not convinced whether or not she's mocking me but I definitely didn't look like sleeping in this position.

I put back my foot on the metal bar and looked at her, not certain if I'm mad or annoyed.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun and she was wearing a pink hoodie. An unfamiliar face.

She fixed her gaze on me and said, "I'm sorry, but, can you help me?"

She was making a worried face and I was standing there, waiting for her to complete her words before deciding whether or not I should help her.

"My puppy chased down a butterfly and now, I don't know where he'd gone. He was just a small pup and I'm worried that if I can't find him now, he'll be in danger..." Her voice were tensed.

I rolled my eyes. "It's your fault for not taking care of him properly. Why would you involve me?" just me, being a pure asshole.

"My fault, I know." Her voice became angry.

That's right. Be mad...
...and leave.

"That's why I'm trying to make it right..." she added. "But I know... I can't make it alone. That's why I'm asking for help."

Her voice was shaking with urgency. She held on the metal bar, stooping down. And she was breathing fast like a tired student catching her breath from running on their P.E class.

I hope she knew that not everyone are willing to answer her cry for help. And I'm one of those.

I put my sight away from her as I closed my eyes again feeling the wind until I heard a loud thud from behind.

I looked back and saw her on her knees with one hand on the ground supporting herself and one hand on her chest. Now what?

If something will happen to her, I'm sure I'll be involve if I don't ask her now.

I jumped beside her before kneeling down to see her face and asked her what's wrong.

She was breathing heavily until it slowed down to her original beat and faced me, "Will you help me, now?" then she smiled cheekily.

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