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[𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦]

trigger warning: none


today was the day. it was important for everyone. just in different ways. with karl asking river out and jimmy asking river to join the crew, everyone was nervous. expect river of course, who was completely clueless.

all she knows is that she, chandler, jimmy, karl, chris, and katie. maddy had offered to watch tucker while they all go out. katie and maddy both know what's going to happen. they are so happy for river. they know how much she likes karl and how long she's wanted to be a part of the crew. they haven't seen her happy in so long.


river was very confused to stay the least. they don't normally go out to fancy restaurants... especially without a reason. but she was excited. lately, she hasn't gone outside, other than to karls of course. she was happy to go outside again.

karl texted her telling her that he would be there in two hours, leaving her an hour and thirty minutes to get ready. karl always comes thirty minutes early than the time he says.

as karl and river were driving to the restaurant where they are meeting the others, sweater weather came on causing river to burst out screaming the lyrics.

he loved it when the girl sang. much to her belief, she was actually good at it. like really good. he always told her but she never believed him. he could only pray that one day she does.

as they reached the door of the restaurant, karl stopped the girl and handed her a letter, but telling her not to open it until he goes to the bathroom. she looked at him, obviously confused, but went with it anyways. they got led to a table to see their friends already there

throughout the night everyone gave subtle hints to what was gonna later on. river being river, got none of them. they couldn't blame her, the hints were very subtle. things like emphasizing certain words, or talking about love, including chris and katies upcoming wedding. which karl is the best man and river is the maid of honor.

river was happy she agreed to go out. She's having the time of her life. anyone could tell. she was constantly smiling and laughing. it almost wasn't normal for her. the others prayed the upcoming events to go the way they are supposed to.


at last, the moment came, karl had left for the bathroom, leaving river with chris, chandler, maddie, and jimmy. as soon as they saw karl enter the bathroom the guys turned to her and started bugging her to read the letter.

thankfully maddie stepped in and told them to calm down so the poor girl has a chance to open the letter. as she was opening it karl secretly came out of the bathroom and headed outside. earning a thumbs up from everyone, except river of course, who had no idea what was going.

dear river,

i thought about kissing you today
and yesterday
and the day before that.
i know i'll think about kissing you
and the day after that
and some more days after those days.
i think about kissing you
and tracing my fingers along your lips.
i think about kissing you in your car, in the rain, on your doorstep.
i think about kissing your
dimple, your cheek, your spot.
i think about kissing only you
not anyone else
just you.

hey, river, ive known you for what 5 months now? i can't believe I'm doing this. I've liked you for a while now. i hope you feel the same way because if you don't, what I'm about to do is gonna awkward. hey, do me a quick favor and go outside for me!


river was overwhelmed, she hoped what she's thinking is about to happen is right. she looked up at the others who were already encouraging her to go. she got up and quickly walked out the restaurnt. she spotted karl and ran to him, engulfing him in a hug.

karl, taken back, laughed at her. very nervous about what he's about to ask her.

"river? uhm- i-. ok ok. im just going to skip to the part where ask you because i already said all i wanted to in the letter. so uhm will you-" karl said as they pulled away. river, of course, had to but in.

"yes! wait. no. finish asking me first!" he laughed at her and continued what he was saying.

"river, will you be my girlfriend?" she nodded

"yes yes!"

river stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around karls neck. they slowly leaned in before finally kissing. they both smiled into the kiss. after a few seconds, they pulled away and laughed.

"cmon let's go inside," karl said as he grabbed her hand. she rested her head on his shoulder as they slowly started walking. as they got closer they noticed their friends were watching them the entire time. and of course, they were giving a thumbs up.

the new couple turned to look at each other and laughed at their friends.

thank you to my friend for suggesting the poem! if you're seeing this, girl i fucking love you for helping! but have a good day or night! i love you <3

go eat, drink some water, if you need to pls take your meds! get some rest, fanfictions will aways be here when you wake! take care of yourself because i care for you and will be very sad if you arent taking care of your self. atleast least try for me! ily and stay safe <3

[𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦]

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