chapter 31

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2 weeks later...

It has been 2 weeks since I didn't get the apartment. I have found nothing I liked. It's either too far, not enough space, too much space, or needs to be renovated. I am feeling completely hopeless

Not to mention I'm half way through my pregnancy and I was hoping to move before I get too big and lazy. I'm sitting at my kitchen table with my parents and little brothers before they head off to school

"sweetheart you will find something I promise you." my mom says rubbing my hand "yeah I hope so" I pout. My dad kisses my head before he gets in the car to drive my brothers to school

"anyways I invited the damelios over for dinner tonight" my mom says I nod my head "okay, cool" I say 

"Charli is going out with Avani so it's just dixie marc and Heidi" my mom says and I nod crunching my frosted flakes. 

I hear a knock at the door and open it up revealing Bryce "hi guys" he says coming in with a tray of coffees. He hands one to me, to my mom, and for himself while leaving one in the tray for my dad 

"thanks Brycey" my mom says hugging him. We sit at the table and talk when I realize I'm also being very picky over all of the apartments because I am so set on the one I didn't get. But I have to move on, I have too

Bryce and I go look for another apartment today. We have been out since he came over this morning and nothing is good until we find this other one

It only has 2 rooms which is fine, and it is smaller than the other one but other than I really liked it. It had very nice service at the front and a cute little breakfast area, plus a nice balaconly. It also didn't need to be renovated 

I right away put on offer down because this one was good, this apartment may be the one. An hour later they send me an email

dear Ms. Addison Rae Easterling,
Congratulations! You got the apartment

Those are the only words I read before jumping up in the air and showing Bryce my phone. He hugs me tight before we reveal the news to my parents

"they said I could move in next week" I say continuing to read the email. My parents hug me and congratulate me. 

That night the damelio's came over and Dixie talked about hosting a baby shower for me. "too much work maybe not" I say "oh come on" dixie pleads 

"you are the first one out of all of us to have a baby, can we please host something for you" she begs. I roll my eyes "fine" I say "in a couple months when I'm even bigger though" I add and she nods

"awesome" she says "two months before the baby comes" she says and I freeze. "I'm having a kid in four months" I say as panic rushes through my body

"and that is why a baby shower will be good because people are going to buy you things that you need" my mom says and Dixie agrees

"Dixie go and help Addison start to pack" Heidi says pointing her towards my room and we go. 

"I can not believe you are going to be a mom, and live by yourself" Dixie says and I agree "I know" "I should just move in with you" dixie jokes "please once this baby comes nobody will want to live with me"  laugh

we spent the night packing things from my room, and a lot of my stuff. Over the next week dixie, the sway boys, Bryce and my parents have been helping me move stuff to my new apartment. 

Tonight is my final night with my family in the house. tears have been shed this past week so tonight is just a fun last night. we played games, watched movies, and made my favourite dinner and we're having nachos at midnight

I would just move into my new house once the baby is born because there is no point now but why not just get settled in early. I say my goodbyes to my parents and my brothers when Bryce drives me over to my new apartment 

I take my new key card and slip it into the pass thing so we are able to walk in, I say hi to Seana the lady who works at the front desk and go up into the elevator. I take my new key and unlock my door walking into my new apartment 

everything is all set up and it looks amazing. I love it. I walk in and take a seat on my new couch so nice and comfortable. I turn on Netflix and Bryce and I watch friends for a bit before I go into the kitchen to cook my first lunch here 

Bryce has been vlogging this whole thing and now this dork is taking videos of me making my first lunch "I'm literally cooking salad" I laugh and he continues to video my "cooking skills"

The rest of the day was pretty chill, Bryce offered to spend the night but I told him I wanted to be alone for the first night so he left. I took the camera for a quick little update and it was awesome 

I got into my bed and fell right asleep in the comfortable covers. I wake up the next morning and I hear a knock at the door. It's dixie I let her in and she comes to make me breakfast 

She makes me bacon, and waffles my favourite. It was so delicious. she also came over to talk more about the baby shower. 

hehe here is the next chapter :)

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