chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning guilt wrenching in my stomach. Me and Dylan aren't dating, we aren't anything really. We've gone out twice, but we kissed and he really likes me and I kind of like him too. Me and Bryce, that was our last time. ever. So it's fine, it was good, a good way to end an era.

Bryce turns over to me and smiles before getting up and dressed. "did I um make you uncomfortable at all last night?" he asks "what?" I ask confused "I mean did I pressure you into having sex? like did you not want too, did I ruin something between you and Dylan?" he asks 

"no" I shake my head reassuringly "Bryce me and Dylan still are not dating, we aren't exclusive and I wanted too. You did nothing wrong" I say and he gives me a smile with a thumbs up

We eat cereal together as my family walks in through the door. "hey!" I shout getting up to go hug them. "it's nice to finally see you!" I say making them laugh "I know I know, but we are here now and ready for a nap!" My dad says and my mom giggles

"hey Bryce!" my parents say to him giving him a handshake, and hug. "how long are you staying?" my mom asks "we are allowed to go back to sway, so i'm out of your hair" he says \

"phew" my mom jokes. "I'm so tired, going to take a nap" my dad says "so mom me and the girls wanted to have a sleepover tonight" I say "here?" she groans 

"no, one of their houses" I say "yeah thats fine" she says. I'm surprised she said yes, after not seeing me for a whole week she must be tired and not want to deal with me or anything right now. 

"I'm going to grab my stuff and get out of here" Bryce says "yeah I can take you" I say "I told Dylan we could grab lunch" I say "who's Dylan?" my mom asks 

"the pizza guy that delivered to us, he asked for my number and went a couple times" I say making her go all "ou aw" "that's sweet" she says "you kids have fun" she waves

We get into the car and I drive Bryce back to sway. 'I'm gonna miss having my husband at home" I say making him laugh "I'm going to miss you too but you know you're always welcome here" he says making me smile.

I help him bring his bags to the house, and give him a long hug. "bye!" I say "bye, and thank you so much for everything!" he says before I get back into the car 

I drive over to the diner by Dylan's and when I see him I feel so awful, but why? I did nothing wrong, but it's just not who I am. I have to tell him. "Dylan" I say as the food comes

"yeah?" he asks "I had sex with someone last night" is say looking down at the table. "oh?" he says/asks "I'm sorry. I didn't know what we were, and we weren't exclusive but I just wanted to tell you" I say 

"yeah it's cool" he says "really?" I asked surprised "yeah we aren't together or anything, I mean I was kind of flirting with other girls after our first date" he says "okay I don't feel so bad then" I say and he smiles

"so maybe we should change that" I say "huh?" he asks "we should maybe become exclusive" I say "exclusive?" he asks "yeah like not dating, but we're not single. We are seeing someone and you know" I say 

"yeah, awesome" he says shooting me a gorgeous smile. "so who did you have sex with?" he asks making me almost spit my water out. "oh uh I don't want to say" I say embarrassed 

"Bryce?" he asks "no, god no" I lie. Dylan can never find out because then he wont trust me to hang out with Bryce. I mean it's probably already so hard because we were together in the past but this? he can never know, and he never will, nobody will except for me and Bryce, I like it that way.

"then who?" he asks "I don't want to say, just some guy from tinder" I say "wasn't Bryce living with you? threesome?" he jokes "no" I giggle "Bryce was on a date with my neighbour" I  explain

"your neighbour?" he asks "yeah when we were out for dinner he saw her outside and they went out the next day when the tinder guy came over" I say 

"wait I mean I thought it would've been like Bryce, or someone you knew but you saw me, we made out and then you went home and called some guy to have sex?" he asks sounding kind of hurt 

"Dylan I'm sorry, but we werent exclusive. And to be honest I was just horny" I say very embarrassed "well I could've fixed that?" he says "well of course I want you too but not yet, I want to take things slow" I say and he smiles 

"i'd like that" he says. I drove myself home to see my whole family sleeping. My mom was drooling I took a picture and sent it to her before grabbing my bags for the sleepover. I get into the car and start driving to Dixie's, oh I have to update Bryce with my new update story

Calling Bryce Hall..

b-Bryce's phone (girl voice)

a-oh uh hi who is this?


a-oh hi elle

e-hey Addison! what's up?

a-I was just meaning to talk to Bryce, but I called at a bad time

e-oh no it's fine. did you need something?

a-yeah uh he left his shirt at my house, and I was going to tell him I wasn't home tonight so he couldn't come grab it

e-okay I'll pass the message along! 

A-Okay bye elle, nice talking to you 

e-bye Addison! hope to see you soon

She's at sway? Already? They went on one date and she is already meeting sway, and the boys? What's next meet my girlfriend youtube video!? I may sound jealous and I am but not of Elle and Bryce. Just maybe now they will all want her around instead of me. I mean the boys were my friends too, I wasn't just at sway for Bryce.

I knock on Dixie's door and all the girls are there already. "oh sorry I'm late" I say as she pulls me in for a big hug 

"we have a lot to talk about no?" dixie asks smiling "uh sure" I say letting out a chuckle. I see Mads around the corner with a Pink whitney bottle. "let's do this bitches come on addi!" she says

My phone starts to ring. It's Bryce, I need to talk to him and tell him what I told Dylan. "uh one sec my mom is calling" I say closing the door and walking back to my car

Answered Bryce Hall....


b-I left no shirt at ur house, whats relly up

a-I told Dylan I had sex

b-woah dude what

a-I just said it was some tinder guy, so you and elle were out last night ok?

b-okay well we were out

A-Okay good well goodnight Bryce 

b-night addi

I put my phone back in my pocket and walk into the house. I need a drink.

I wasn't planning on posting another chapter today but I saw that I got 1k reads on this book so this is a big thank you! Thank you all so so so so much for  all the love and support on this book, I got my motivation for writing back because of some of the comments and I absolutely love the way the book is turning out so far! Thank you, all of you, seriously 

I love you

see ya tomorrow, xoxo

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