chapter 32

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3 months later..

Baby shower, done. I have so many things for the baby practically everything I ever needed. my apartment is all set up and Bryce has been staying her the past days and is staying with me in case I go into labour early. I'm still a month away from my due date but who knows

I get up my big heavy belly as I start to make myself some eggs. Bryce rushes in 'Addison let me, sit" he says "no" I swat him away "I can still do things myself you know" I say and he puts his arms up in surrender

I turn on the stove. I gasp the loudest gasp ever "Bryce!" I Shout and he runs from the bedroom "my water just broke" I say. He looks at me eyes wide. "Wait" he says running back to get the camera "Addisons water just broke!" he screams before turning off the camera and the stove

He grabs the baby bag and helps me towards the door as we walk out. We call my parents, dixie, the girls, and the sway boys before we get to the hospital. 

The doctor takes us in and asks us quwstions "contractions?" she asks "not yet" I say. She checks how many centimeters I'm dialited "only 2" she says and I groan "how long will this take?" I ask 

'not too sure" she says "we are just going to have to wait and see" she says before leaving the room "this is happening" I say to Bryce "it's too early" I say "breathe" he says holding my shoulders

"no Bryce this is too early I am not ready" I say "Addison if this happened two months ago you would have been ready. The apartment is all good, baby proofed up. You have everything you need!" he says 

"we are going to be parents" he says with a smile kissing my temple before sitting back down in the chair beside me. "we don't even know his name yet" I cry

"I'm sure we will know right when we see him" Bryce reassures me "not true" I stumble "I was unnamed for a week" I say 

"okay do not worry, we have names, and even if doesn't have one for a week it will be fine. we are going to figure this out" he says "together"

Bryce's POV:

I leave the room to go to the waiting area where I see all the sway boys, and the girls plus Addison's family. "how is she" Sheri asks 'all good. It's going to be very long, so if any of you don't want to stay that long we understand": I say

"I am staying put" Dixie says and everyone agrees "okay" I say "don't tell me I didn't warn you" he says

Addisons POV:

Bryce comes back in the room and contractions start. I breathe in and out in and out while screaming in between breaths and Bryce times them

"we didn't even" I start "watch the fucking birthing video" I continue in between breaths. "Bryce pats my hair" It's fine" he says and I shake my head 

"no" I say and the contractions stop "thank god" I say. "pass me my phone" I say "what?" Bryce asks "Pass me my phone!" I scream and Bryce grabs it for me

I open up the youtube video I have had saved since I found out I was pregnant. "come here" I call over to Bryce 

he comes over and watches the video with me. "oh my god" I say starting to cry "a fat baby is going to get pulled out of my vagina!" I scream and Bryce grits his teeth

"I know, If I could do this I wish I could" he says "like a seahorse" he says. I say nothing, just give him the stinkeye. "let me get you some ice chips" he says leaving the room

Bryce comes back in the room with ice chips, the doctor follows behind. "contractions 10 minutes apart" Bryce says "okay, good" the doctor says "5 centimeters" she says 

"only!" I groan "Addison baby it's going to take time" she says "just continue timing your contractions and don't forget to breathe" she says before walking out 

"I'll give you breathe!" I shout putting up my middle finger behind her back once she closes the door Bryce laughs and puts my hand down 

he grabs the camera "so we are now 5 centimeters dialiated" Bryce says "yeah, giving birth is so much fun" I say "AOWUHCH" I yelp as another contraction starts. Bryce puts the camera near my face "get that out of my fucking face!" I scream and Bryce puts the camera down

he holds my hand "don't forget to blur that out" I say squeezing his hand as he nods. Contractions started to come every 5 minutes now, it was hell

It has been 4 hours since we got here. This sucks, I hate this feeling. "is everyone still here?" I ask "let me check" Bryce says 

Bryce runs out of the room and as he leaves another contraction starts "uhm" I say before screaming "oh my god!" I yell holding myself down. Bryce comes back in and immideiatly comes over to me 

"everyone is still here, squeeze my hand" he says and I do as told. An hour later the doctor comes in "7" she says "what" I cry "it has been 6 hours" I complain

"it's life Addison, you're about to give one" she says before leaving once again "I hate when she does that!" I groan and Bryce laughs 

"oh this must be so funny for you eh?" I say and Bryce shakes his head, no. "OUVH" I scream still holding onto Bryce's arm

"ow fuck that hurt" he says rubbing his arm. I give him a blank stare "okay so let me grab the camera" he says changing the subject

"6 hours in. 7 centimetres" he says with a thumbs up and I give another middle finger 'Addison!" he laughs 

2 hours later the doctor comes In again "doc please tell me we are there" I say "wait actually don't tell us yet" Bryce says grabbing the camera 

"now" he says turning it on "okay 10 centimetres" she says. Our faces light up "it's happening' I smile, "we are going to have a baby" Bryce says before we are moved to the delivery room

Bryce continues holding the camera but not showing my vag obviously lmao. "it's for sure a boy!" Bryce says in between little tears 

He stand there as I continue to push he grabs my hand. The baby is out. He cries, thank god. Bryce puts the camera on the gooey little mushball we get to call our son.

Bryce turns the camera off "oh my god" he says. I sit there waiting for them to clean him up. I hold him in my arms, my son. Bryce takes a picture of me and adds it into the vlog 

I give the baby to Bryce and I take a picture of the two of them plus add It into the vlog. I cry tears of joy as does Bryce. We sit thre together holding our son before we intorduce him to the friends and family

They leave after meeting our son. I have never seen my mom cry so much and she cries a lot. Bryce and I sit there holding our son.

"I love him already" I say "me too" Bryce says. We continue to sit there in silence. 2 hours after settling down my emotions still high

I hold my son in my arms. "I love you so much Leo" I say. Bryce kisses Leo's head before he goes and kisses my lips

I kiss him back before we take a selfie the three of us. I love my son, I love my family. I did it


Okay I know you are all going to kill me for this. I am so sorry for ending this book but I could already feel myself rushing into things, and if I continued it would have just ended badly. I have already written another chapter for the boy next door, and I will hopefully post it soon but I have started writing another book relating Emma Chamberlain except it's like real life so she is a normal girl in highschool and not a youtuber. The only thing is I'm nervous for it to flop because people only read my sway stuff. If you guys could please read all my books, even if it is not your favourite people it really would mean the world. Regarding this book though, I have never in my life had that much support from online strangers. I love you, and I want you guys to know how much I appreciate you all, have an amazing day. If you havent already check out my other books, I love u guys so much! Ty for all the support, comments, and opinions on thhis book. Have a great day :)

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