chapter 19

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I walk down and let Dylan out. I wave to him as a couple more tears flow down my cheek. "hey, you okay?" dixie asks coming up behind me

"yeah, I'll be okay" I say and she gives me a hug "I know its not what you wanted, but it's for the best" Dixie says continuing to hug me

"I know" I agree before pulling away. "oh fuck, his phone" I say as I go to grab it from my purse. Dixie and I walk outside to give the phone back to Dylan 

Maybe he left already because we can only see Madi making out with some guy. We walk towards her to see who it is, and she pulls away from the guy and looks at me with embarrassment 

"Dylan?" I ask hurt in my voice. He doesn't say anything "you broke up with me, I'm not cheating" he says. It's true he's not, but I'm hurt. Although I did cheat on him so I guess I kind of deserved it

"I'm not upset with you Dylan, you're single. But Madi, fuck you" I say flipping her off and walking back inside when I don't see dixie behind me

Oh shit. "you are such a bitch!" Dixie yells "Honestly you did Cynthia so dirty! We accepted you into our friend group, and then you kissed chase! WHILE he was dating Charli. He didn't kiss you! You kissed him! And we still forgave you!" Dixie continues

"now Dylan and Addison broke up not even for five minutes and your tongue is down his throat. get out of here! You don't fit in with us! Whore" Dixie screams before walking up back to me

I give her a high five and she goes inside to proudly tell the rest of the girls what happened. I see Bryce and Elle dancing as he kisses her neck

I feel bad for her, and I know that Bryce didn't mean to hurt her. Maybe I should have stayed with Dylan but even if Bryce and I don't end up together, Dylan and I were not right for eachother

How can Bryce and I not end up together you ask? Sometimes people who are in love aren't always together in ways they can imagine.

I focus my eyes elsewhere and have a fun rest of the night with my friends trying to forget about Dylan, Bryce, and everything else that happened to night

"Jaden told me he ran into you in the bathroom" Mads smirks. Well so much for forgetting about it. "yes" I say "I'm not proud of it" I say

"you're not a bad person Addi, you're just In love" she says and I nod. All of us are spending the night at sway, except for Elle. She has to go home

We're all sitting in the living room hanging out, after changing into more comfortable clothes. "so are we going to talk about the fact that Addison and Bryce had sex in the washroom?" Josh asks 

I stare at him. "dude" Bryce says laughing "come on it's funny!" Josh says continuing to laugh "it's not" I say shutting everyone up

The room turns awkward. "Bryce has a girlfriend, and I had a boyfriend" I mumble "had?" jaden asks 

"I broke up with Dylan" I say "finally" Anthony scoffs and all the boys shoot him dirty looks "I mean sorry Addison" he says 

I laugh "it's fine, but Bryce is still dating Elle. And I was dating Dylan when we did it. It's not funny, it's terrible" I say 

"wait so whats happening between you two?" Josh asks and Nessa slaps him "what is wrong with you" she says 

I look at Bryce. "I'm going to stay with Elle" he says. I feel my face turn pink, I can also feel everyone's eyes on me. 

It's his choice, and whether he stayed with Elle or not I'm glad I broke up with Dylan before I got really hurt later on. 

I can't believe he is staying with her after pouring out his feelings, and knowing I know now. So if anything isn't happening now it is his fault, not mine. so he can not use that against me

"I'm tired" Dixie says obviously lying. She walks upstairs and I follow her "are you okay?" she asks and I nod "you sure? why is he being such a dick?" she grunts 

I laugh. "whatever, I just need some sleep" I say as Dixie wraps her arm around my shoulders and takes me upstairs as we both hop into the bed.

I'm lucky to have her. She strokes my hair as I start to fall asleep. 

In the middle of the night I feel someone poking my arm, and whisper yelling my name "Addison" the voice says. I open my eyes and it's Bryce

I turn around and Dixie is there, sleeping beside me. "what time is it?" I groan "like 7" he says "why did you wake me?" I say still half asleep

"we're going on an adventure" he says "huh" I asked rubbing my eyes "let's go, get some breakfast and hang out" he says 

"Bryce" I say "yeah?" he asks "you know how I feel about you" I say, and he doesn't say anything "It is not right for us to hang out when you have a girlfriend especially when I feel the way I do"

"well what if I told you I didn't have a girlfriend anymore" Bryce says "what?" I ask surprised "what If I told you I broke up with Elle" he says "is that what you're telling me?" I ask 

"well, not yet" Bryce says. I stare at him in confusion "I will break up with her" he says. Dixie slaps my face. what the fuck?

I wake up. Oh, it was a dream. she's still sleeping, she just dragged her arm over and happened to slap me. classic

I close my eyes and fall back asleep, hoping not to dream about Bryce or anything of that sort again.

I wake up for real this time, with no memory of a good dream so if I was dreaming about Bryce I'll never know. 

I see dixie laying there on her phone, hair frizzed up and eyes looking small and tired. She looks at me and doesn't say anything

Neither dixie or I are morning people. We never talk, we know how it works. An hour after sitting and chilling Dixie and I go up to see the rest of them downstairs

We're about to eat breakfast and I see elle sitting on Bryce's lap. "hey Elle" I say giving her a smile, that seriously isn't fake. I really like this girl and I feel horrible for what I did.

"hey" she says returning the smile "I heard you and Dylan broke up, I'm sorry" she says giving me a comforting hand

"thanks" I say and she looks at me with sympathy. We all eat breakfast together and I feel like I'm going to puke. I feel so guilty being around Elle after what happened. I still cant believe I did that

I check my phone and see I should probably get going home "why" josh asks "I have to give Dylan's stuff back to him" she says and dixie rolls her eyes

"I'll take you" she says grabbing another piece of bacon and giving griffin a kiss goodbye before walking to the door with me

I see Noah rolling his eyes in the corner and I can't help but giggle to myself. dixie and I get in the car and she drives me back to my house 

I say hi to my parents and I told them Dylan and I broke up. my mom told me once I got back from his house she would make us some pizza and chocolate milkshakes

I grab Dylan's sweater, tooh brush, shorts, and his water bottle. I put it in a bag and Dixie and I go back in her car to drive to his house

We pull up in the front and I see a red car. A car I have been in before. "is that?" Dixie asks "yup. Madi's car" I say gritting my teeth

hehe happy friday mf's! any plans? I am going to be eating food, and finishing season 3 of tvd :) I  miss going out and I miss going to parties:((

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