chapter 18

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So Bryce and I had sex. I cheated on Dylan, he cheated on Elle and I feel terrible. I cant believe I just did that. I've never cheated on someone, I'm not a cheater, I've been cheated on, but I'm not a cheater

I can tell Bryce feels the same. He isn't a cheater either, and I feel horrible. "if you love Elle then why did you just do that?" I ask as the realization hits me 

5 minutes before we had sex Bryce was telling me how he loved Elle and was happy with her and then we have sex?

"I do love her" he says. That stings, I look at the floor but Bryce lifts my chin "but I'm in love with you" he says making me smile. 

I kiss his lips before I finally put my top back on, as we both scramble to put our clothes on and look as least suspicious as possible. Bryce unlocks the door a little too early as Jaden opens it up

Shock on his face, turning into a smile as he laughs. "oh my god" he says still laughing "Jaden! shut up" I say

Jaden looks at the stairs and his face immediately goes into panic. He closes the door quickly. Bryce locks it putting his finger over his mouth shushing me.

"hey" I hear Dylan's voice boom through the hallway. My heart sinks down to my stomach and Bryce looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I know he feels bad too. What we did was wrong

"hey!" Jaden says "I don't know who is in there but they are taking forever" Jaden lies "smells kinda bad too, Bryce probably is taking a shit" Jaden says 

I try my best not to laugh and Bryce playfully rolls his eyes. "alright no problem man, I'm looking for Addison" he says 

"haven't seen her, sorry" Jaden says. I hear footsteps walking down the stairs, and someone knocks 

"it's me" Jaden says. Bryce opens the door letting Jaden in the bathroom. "what are you planning on telling everyone?" he says as he gets in 

"I don't know" I say biting my nails. "okay you just need to get out of here"  Jaden says looking to make sure coast is clear "wait" he says 

"Dylan!" Jaden screams from the stairs "go to the garage and grab me a bear?" he asks "yeah sure!" Dylan says walking outside 

"go!" Jaden says pushing me out of the bathroom. "wait what about Elle?" I ask "she doesn't know anything" Jaden says as he continues to push me out 

I walk down the stairs and run to grab Dixie. "if Dylan asks me and you went on a walk okay?" I say panicked "well I did go for a walk with Griffin, but why?" she asks 

"if he asks I went with you guys. tell him" I say pointing to him. Dixie runs over and tells Griffin and I see him nodding. He gives me a thumbs up

I take a breath, but I lose it again right away when I see Elle behind me. "hey!" I say trying to act casual. "hey" she says sounding a little upset 

I look at her "you okay?" I ask "yeah have you seen Bryce?" she asks. yes of course I've seen Bryce we were having sex in the bathroom not even ten minutes ago. "uh no sorry, is everything okay?" I ask

"I just haven't seen him and we were supposed to have a nice time tonight" she says "well hey, he's probably just doing something with the guys. So why don't you come dance with the girls!" I say as she ligts up 

Me, her, Dixie, Nessa, and Mads all danced around until I see Dylan. he looks angry. I walk over to him 

"hey!" I say "hey" he says angry walking past me "Dylan!" I say "what" he asks turning around to face me. 

"why are you upset with me?" I ask "I don't know maybe because we were dancing, you leave and then I have no idea where you were for like almost an hour!" he yells 

"okay calm down" I say "no! I'm not going to calm down! You can't keep doing this!" he continues to scream. Josh walks over 

"is everything okay here?" he asks "yeah all good" I say and Dylan nods. Josh looks at me and I give him "yes I'm fine" eyes and he walks away

"Dylan please talk to me instead of yelling." I say and he takes a breath. "okay. I had no idea where you were, where were you?" he asks 

"on a walk with Dixie and Griffin, but you don't need to know where I am all the time" I say and he looks at me, stunned. 'are you serious? of course I do?" he scoffs

"what?" I ask "I'm your boyfriend" he says "yeah, not my bodyguard. I don't need to be with you every second of the day, and I don't need to tell you everywhere I go. It's not like I lied about it" I retort

"fine. let me just give this to Jaden" Dylan says holding a beer can. "here man" Dylan says walking to the bathroom

"you were in the bathroom?" Dylan asks as he sees Bryce standing there with Jaden. "yeah" Bryce says 

"hmph" Dylan says before walking away "you're right, I'm sorry" he says "Dylan I cant keep fighting with you like this" I say 

"I know you're right. I'm so sorry" he says kissing my temple. "no, Dylan I think we should break up" I say 

"what?" he asks. I look at Bryce to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Elle walks up the stairs. "Bryce!" she says smiling

She kisses his lips. "do you want to get out of here?" she asks and he nods following her. What am I doing to myself

"hello?" Dylan asks "I- I think we should maybe just break up" I say tears starting to prick from my eyes

"no" he says starting to cry "Addison please, I'll be better" he pleads. "I just, Dylan" I say trying to speak words but I don't know what to say 

I am going to miss Dylan. I really do care about him and if Bryce wasn't in the picture I could see myself having more of a future with him, but Bryce is in the picture

Even if Bryce chooses to stay with Elle I know in my heart it isn't fair for me to be with Dylan while I'm in love with someone else

"Dylan" I say a tear falling down my cheek. "I really care about you, I love you" I say "I love you too" he says smiling before he kisses my lips 

"but we cant be together, it won't work and the longer I stay with you the harder it will be in the end. I'm sorry" I say 

He holds my cheek "I understand" he says. He kisses my lips one more time saying "goodbye Addison" 

Next chapter hehe, I only have one more draft after this so Imma have to write a lot in the next few days if I'm going to keep uploading daily. Also should I do qotd and shit? or no

One more night//BraddisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora