chapter 30

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Panic continues to race through my whole body. We get to the hospital and Bryce carries me out of the car "Bryce I'm fine" I say still crying. he doesn't budge, just continues to carry me

He brings me into the hospital "we need help" he says. The lady at the front guides us to a room and my obgyn comes in "okay Addison relax, you need to breathe. Take a breath in and out" she says. I follow her instructions

"let me check what's wrong" she says. After tests and working things out my mom gets in. The doctor comes in not looking happy

I let out a sob, I break down. The doctor slowly walks towards us. She puts her hand on my shoulder as I patiently wait for the bad news "the baby is fine" she lets out "what?" I croak

Bryce and I stare at her, both of us crying. I have never seen Bryce cry this much and I've seen him watch the fresh prince of bel air. 

"your baby is fine" she smiles "you had a little accident, the baby was in distress which lead you to bleed but you did not miscarry" she says "you are fine, everything is fine" she says 

My frown turns into a huge smile. I wipe my tears "god oh my god" I say giving Bryce a hug "very smart of you to come into the hospital though. if this does happen again please come in as fast as you can just in case" she says and I nod

I am still sobbing but I guess they are happy tears. we get back in the car, and yes my mom drives back to the beach house because she knows I would want to be alone right now

Bryce takes out the camera and gives it to me to hold while he drives and talks "baby is fine, mommy is fine. we're all good everyone! And it's almost 4 in the morning" Bryce says to the camera

I turn the camera off as I rest my eyes for a bit until we get home. Bryce wakes me up and carries me back to my house, he opens the door and carries me to my bed. He changes my pants for me and puts the bloody ones in the laundry. 

He lies down beside me, puts his arm around me and spoons me. He kisses my head while stroking my hair "you are so brave" he says giving me a squeeze "you are too" I say

We both fall asleep after that. The next morning I wake up and Bryce is still sleeping, I grab my phone and see the time is 2 pm, holy shit


d-hi do u want to hangout today


d-hello bitch

a-I was at the hospital until 4 am last night, sorry

d-wtf. what happened r u okay?

a-not rlly. I bled 

d-Addison, I'm oh my god

a-baby is fine. we were v worried but baby is fine

d-thank god. okay is Bryce with u

a-yeah he spent the night

d-good. dw about hanging out just relax love u

a-love u too

I just chill out on my phone before I see Bryce slowly wake up "morning" he says rubbing his eyes. "I didn't puke today!" I say and Bryce gives me a high five "well look at you" he says 

We sit together and eat breakfast while I continue to hold my stomach "Addison, he's fine" Bryce reassures me. I put on a smile. That scared the living shit out of me yesterday 

I didn't want this baby but now I do, I really do. I love this child more than words can express and he isn't even born yet! 

I put my cereal bowl away before Bryce and I drive over to look at the apartment. 

We walk in "wow it's perfect" I say as we walk in "offers are today, and a lot of people are going to buy this so why don't you go make one" Bryce says and I nod

I walk down and write in my offer. Bryce gives me a hug "don't get my hopes up" I say to him and he nods

I get back home and my parents are there with my brothers "oh you're home" I say and look at Bryce "I need to tell you something" I say sitting beside my parents 

"what else could you possibly tell us" my mom says as her and my dad laugh "I put an offer on this apartment" I blurt. my mom and dad don't say anything 

my mom starts to tear up a little "you're moving?" she asks her voice shaky. I nod my head "I'm 20, I'm having a kid if I don't do it now I never will" I say also starting to tear up

"is that so bad?" she asks and my heart immediately y breaks "I'm kidding" she says wiping a tear "I knew the time had to come soon enough and I'm surprised you've stayed this long already" she says giving me a hug

"we're proud of you" my dad says also giving me a hug "so when do you find out if you get the apartment?" my mom asks "tonight" I tell her "well, let's hope for the best then" she says as her and my dad cheers their glasses

We order Chinese food and watch adam sandler movies. It's 10:40pm I still got no email I've been glancing at my phone every five minutes since we got home

I probably didn't get the house is it's taking so long. *ding* my phone beeps. I look at it and slide to open the email

My parents, brothers, and Bryce looking at me in anticipation. 

Dear Ms. Addison Rae Easterling, 
Thank you for your generous offer on our apartment, you are an excellent candidate and you demonstrate lots of good qualities to the person we would like to sell our place to.  Unfortunately we have chosen someone else to take over our place. dearest apologies and we hope you find something soon

I look at everyone with a blank stare "I didn't get it" I mumble. My mom and dad look at eachother "you're doing the thing" my mom says "the thing where you got it but your lying to trick us!" my dad says "nope" I say turning off my phone

my parents lose their smile. "it's okay we can find another place" Bryce says comforting me "yeah but that place was perfect I mean perfect it was close to you, and my parents, was so pretty, needed no renovations, and was the right amount of space" I say shaking my head

"god this is so frustrating" I say and Bryce rubs my shoulder "it's okay we will find something" he says and I lean my head on him 'yeah I hope so because once this baby is out I'm not moving for shit" I say making everyone laugh 

but my mom gives me a playful stink eye as Lucas giggles "oops" I shrug my shoulders 

I have some bad news. I finished writing the book and there are only two chapters left :( I'm sorry

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