"Guess what Granny" I said kissing her on the cheek.

"You hit the lottery and sending grandma to an island." She said laughing.

"No ma'am. I'm going back to school. I can send you to an island without hitting the lotto." I said smiling

"Awww I'm proud of you Coco" she said hugging me.

"I'm gon try to go just two years so I can get done."

"Well ima cook to celebrate. Tell yo brother and boyfriend to come. Nuski not invited his ass eat too much." She said making me laugh.

*Next week*

Quincy (Mugga)

"We think you're healed enough to get off of your crutches. But if you feel any type of pain let us know." the doctor said.

"Thankyou" me and Naysia said at the same time. She flashed us a smile before walking out.

We got up and walked out the room.

"You happy?" Naysia said smiling at me while we got on the elevator.

"Hell yea. I ain't gotta ride witcho ass no more. You be scaring a nigga" I said laughing.

"Ain't nothing wrong wit how I drive" she said walking towards the door.

"I mean yo ass can't drive but you can ride." I said licking my lips.

"Fuck you" she said walking out the door making me laugh.

We got in the car and headed to Chino house to get Sweets.

Naysia phone started ringing which made me look over at her. She silenced it and ignored it.

"Why you been doing that shit lately" I said looking over at her.

"Watch the road please" she said looking back at me.

"Yeen gon answer me"

"Because I-"

The phone started ringing before she finished talking.

I snatched it off her lap.

"Who is it" I said answering the phone pulling up to Chino

"Nigga give my baby mama the phone."

"Why the fuck yo ass keep calling." I said looking at Chino bring Nicari to the car.

"Mugga give me the phone" Naysia said tryna grab it out my hand.

"Mommyyy, Daddyyyyy" Sweets said getting in the car. Sweets was pulling my sleeve to hug her. That made me look back and Naysia grabbed the phone.

"I know my baby ain't calling no other nigga daddy Naysia. Stop fucking playing wit me." I heard Kaino say through the phone.

She hung the phone up.

She looked at me and turned around to buckle Sweets up in her seat.

"Bye Nasir" she said to Chino and Nicari hollered "Bye Uncle Nono" and I just nodded.

When we finally got to the apartment Naysia got out the car and grabbed Sweets fast as fuck. I was right behind her ass.

Sweets wanted to play wit her dollhouse I got her, so she went to her room.

"You ain't gon say shit" I said looking at her.

"What the fuck you want me to say" she said folding her arms.

"Why the fuck he keep calling you. Better yet why you being so secretive." I said looking over at her sitting on the bed.

"Because I don't want to talk to him Quincy. He probably calling about Nicari.

"You lying to me"

"You gon be calm?" She asked





"Naysia stop fucking playing."

"He kissed me." She said looking at me. "But I told him Ian like that shit and you was my nigga. That's the honest truth." She said looking at me.

"I believe you" I said kissing her cheek.

I got this nigga I thought to myself . I hope he watching his back.

Sorry it took so long for the update I had some shit going on but thank y'all for the likes and comments and loveeeee🥰.

Talk to me. How old are y'all??

What y'all think about this shit right here🧐?

Team Mugga or Team Kaino???? 🙄

Give me some songs if y'all want too.

HOLLUP. What y'all think bout this muhfuckin rivalry they got going on.
(If y'all don't remember it's the dude Mugga killed way back in chapter 5 when he was wit Nuski.)

See you later my Sweets. 🥰🍭

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