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"Mommy! Daddy!" Beth exclaimed as she entered Quinn and Puck's room. "Bubbe's here!"

"Crap." Puck muttered. "Is anyone else here yet?"

"Uncle Jake and Aunt Sarah." Beth answered. "And Marley."

"Alright." Puck said. "Let Mommy sleep. Go tell Bubbe I'll be right there."

"Okay." Beth replied as she ran off.

Puck got out of bed and got changed. "Q, you wanna come down?"

"Yeah, I'm up." Quinn said as she got up. She got dressed and looked at Puck. "Lead the way."

Puck nodded and led Quinn out of the bedroom. He went downstairs, pausing when he saw his mom, sister, and brother in the living room.

"Quinn!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Hi." Quinn responded, smiling at the brunette.

"Hey." Puck said. "Where did Beth go?"

"Marley took her outside." Jake replied. "Finn and Rachel are out there, too."

Puck nodded slowly. "Well, let's get this over with. Mom."

"What were you thinking?" Ruth asked. "No, wait, you weren't thinking. Because if you were, you wouldn't have done it. And you wouldn't have kept it a secret from the rest of us."

"I didn't tell you because I knew how you would react." Puck said.

"You're lucky he didn't fuck up your eye permanently." Ruth noted as she turned to Quinn. "And you. You're just as bad. You knew about this and you lied about being on vacation for the summer."

"Leave Quinn out of this, okay?" Puck requested, glancing at Quinn. "This is on me. I really thought things were different."

Ruth took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Dad's gone." Puck said. "I'm pressing charges, I'm working on getting restraining orders for the three of us, and I changed all the locks. It's over."

"I'm okay and he didn't hurt Beth, which is the most important thing." Quinn added. "That, and Noah's eye."

"Finn said you couldn't see." Ruth said.

"I couldn't." Puck nodded. "But it's okay now."

"We're just trying to put it behind us." Quinn told Ruth. "And make sure Beth is okay."

"You were reckless, Noah." Ruth told Puck. "You put your daughter at risk and you knew that. What kind of parent does that?"

"You wanna argue with me about being a good parent?" Puck said, raising his eyebrow. "The mother who constantly insulted me and never showed up to any of my games or competitions. Not to mention how I practically raised Sarah."

"Noah." Quinn scolded.

"Whatever." Puck muttered as he walked away.

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