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"It's me." Puck said, gently knocking on Beth's door.

The door opened and Quinn stood there with Beth on her hip. Both girls had calmed down, but Puck could tell Beth had been crying a lot.

"Daddy." Beth said, reaching for Puck.

"Come here." Puck said softly as he took Beth and held her. "I got you. Everything's okay."

Beth buried her head on Puck's shoulder and put her arms around his neck while he held her on his hip.

Puck looked at Quinn. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"He must've been in the house somewhere." Quinn stated. "Beth and I brought all our stuff in, and then we ate and as soon as she went upstairs, he came out and destroyed the piano."

"The piano?" Puck repeated, not even having noticed it.

"The one downstairs by the door." Quinn nodded. "I heard it and went to see what was happening and I yelled at him to stop and to leave and then..."

Puck put his other arm around Quinn. "I'm so sorry, Quinn. I didn't think he'd come back here."

"I know." Quinn said. "It's okay. I'm okay and Beth's okay."

Puck nodded and turned to the door as Finn lightly knocked on it.

"Hey." Finn said softly. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay." Quinn nodded as she wiped her eyes.

"Okay." Finn nodded back. "The police are here. I just gave them my statement and they put your dad in the car, Puck."

"Alright, let me go talk to them." Puck said. "Are you okay talking to them, Q?"

"Yeah." Quinn said as she took Puck's hand.

"B, you wanna wait here with Finn while Mommy and Daddy talk to the police?" Puck asked.

Beth shook her head and held onto Puck even tighter.

"Okay." Puck said. "Let's all go downstairs."

Puck led the way downstairs, holding onto Quinn and Beth tightly while Finn followed.

"Finn, do me a favor and call my mom and Jake." Puck requested. "I don't want them to end up seeing this online or something."

"Yeah, you got it." Finn said.

Puck walked through the house and into the living room, where four police officers were waiting.

"Noah Puckerman." Puck introduced himself, letting go of Quinn's hand to shake each of the officers' hands before taking Quinn's hand again. "This is Quinn Fabray and our daughter, Beth."

"Hi, everyone." One of the officers said. "I'm Officer Harris. This is my partner, Officer Carlyle."

"I'm Officer Moore." The female police officer said. "And this is my partner, Officer Barnes."

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