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"Quinn? Puck? We're back!" Finn called.

Quinn and Puck got up to greet Beth and Finn, and saw that Rachel was with them.

"Surprise!" Rachel grinned as she hugged Puck and then Quinn.

"Hey, Rachel." Quinn smiled as the girls parted.

"We watched your livestream." Finn told Quinn and Puck. "You guys did good. When do I get to hear the song?"

"Labor Day." Puck answered.

Finn frowned. "That's so far away."

"Today's already Friday, Finn." Quinn stated.

Finn nodded slowly.

"I got to hear it already." Beth grinned, sticking out her tongue.

Finn smiled and shook his head at Beth as he scooped her up and tickled her sides. "Yeah?"

"Stop it!" Beth giggled as she squirmed in Finn's arms.

Finn put Beth down and turned to Puck. "When is everybody else coming for the barbecue?"

"Tomorrow and Sunday." Puck answered. "Clean up's on Monday and then on Tuesday, Beth has her first day of school."

"Finn and I can help get everything ready before everyone else arrives." Rachel offered.

"Yeah, what needs to get done?" Finn added.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna clean the pool and go grocery shopping." Puck replied. "But I think that's it."

"Rachel and I can do the grocery shopping." Quinn told Puck.

Rachel nodded. "We'll make a list before we go."

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