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Unsurprisingly, Beth took the news extremely well. For about a week straight, there was a genuine smile spread out across her face.

"Noah." Quinn said as she walked into the living room. "Santana just called me."

"Okay..?" Puck responded, furrowing his eyebrow.

"She said you're trending on Twitter." Quinn stated. "Hold on."

"What?" Puck wondered as he took out his phone. He scrolled through and opened the Twitter app. The first thing on his screen was an entertainment news media article with pictures of him and Quinn at and after their dinner from the previous week.

"This is exactly what I didn't want." Quinn said. "I can't make something of myself if I'm reduced to a blonde girl seen with famous musician Noah Puckerman."

"Hey." Puck said. "Use this as a way to show who you are."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Look." Puck said as he typed on his phone before showing Quinn.

"Hey show some respect towards Quinn. She's an actress and happens to be my daughter's mother." Quinn read Puck's quoted tweet draft.

"I was gonna add in about us releasing Beth, but it's a little premature since we didn't record it yet." Puck pointed out.

Quinn nodded. "Do it and let's record the song and do everything you said."

"Why the sudden rush?" Puck asked, sending the tweet.

"We can use this to take advantage of promoting it, and it'll be a good jumpstart to my career." Quinn pointed out. "Plus, we can give it to Beth as a back to school present."

"Yeah, speaking of that, we have a few meetings this week with different schools." Puck said. "I wanna make sure Beth's all set."

"Me, too." Quinn agreed.

"So for the song, you'll go in and record first." Puck said, looking at Quinn for confirmation. "I'll let JJ and Eliza take the lead, and they'll take care of you and make sure you're comfortable. And if there's any issues, you can call me."

Quinn nodded.

"I'll call them first thing tomorrow to see when you can get started."


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