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Quinn and Puck ended up registering Beth for the first school they had visited. Beth liked it the best, it was the closest to Puck's house, and overall, it seemed like the best fit.

On Friday night, Quinn and Beth headed back to Mercedes' to pack up their things while Puck and Finn packed up the stuff James had left behind. They left it in his room and closed the door, planning to deal with it another day.

"You did it." Finn said proudly. "You fixed your family."

"Yeah, hopefully." Puck nodded.

"And now you don't have to worry about your dad." Finn added. "It might be a good idea to tell your mom and Jake though."

"Yeah, I will." Puck said. "When my eye heals so my mom doesn't freak out."

"Yeah, how is your eye?" Finn asked.

"It's still bad, but I think the eye drops are working." Puck noted.

"Beth said Quinn has to pin you down for them." Finn replied, smiling at Puck.

"Beth's such a blabbermouth." Puck said. "You know where she learned that? Rachel."

Finn shook his head. "Santana."

"Her, too." Puck agreed. "That's where she got her attitude from anyway."

"Yeah." Finn smiled. "So, what time are they coming back tomorrow?"

"Quinn said when they wake up, which won't be until, like, noon." Puck answered. "So I was thinking about running to the studio to see if the song is ready, if you wanna come with me."

"Yeah, that'd be awesome." Finn nodded.

"Cool." Puck said. "If we go at ten, that'll give us plenty of time before Quinn and Beth get here."

"Sounds good." Finn replied. "Are you still gonna have the Labor Day barbecue next week?"

"Don't you start school next week?" Puck asked.

"It's my senior year." Finn noted. "I have, like, two classes and student-teaching, but I'm doing that with Mr. Schue."

"Well, I'm sure he won't mind if you miss a day." Puck responded. "So yeah, why not? I'll text everyone later."



The next morning, Finn and Puck went out and stopped for breakfast before heading to the studio. It was a Saturday so it wasn't crowded - Puck didn't see anyone there except the interns.

"Morning." Puck said. "Finn, this is JJ, Eliza, and Gwen. Girls, this is Finn."

"Hi." Finn smiled at the girls, flashing his dimples.

"Hi." Eliza said.

"I'm amazed that you have so many friends." JJ noted.

"I like her." Finn smirked at Puck.

"Hey JJ, remember when I fired that other girl?" Puck asked.

"If you fire me, I'll sue you." JJ replied.

"I know." Puck nodded as he looked at Finn. "Anyway, I came here to see how the song's coming."

"It's done." Eliza said.

"If you give us your phone, we can put the song on it so you and Quinn can listen to it together when you leave." Gwen offered.

"Yeah, sure." Puck said, handing them his phone. "I'm gonna show Finn around a little and let him test drive the drums. Yell if you need us. Come on, Finn."

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