Chapter 7: Testing, Testing

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Jack's Pov

*At the hotel*

"Looks like we are in the same room," I say to Zach as I grab the room key.

We head up to our room and say goodbye to Corbyn.

"Hey, I am going to go change really quick. You should text the boys and see when and where they want to meet up." Zach says as he grabs clothes and heads to the bathroom.

"Ok," I say grabbing my phone.

*Texting the boys*

Jack: Is everybody at the hotel?

Jonah: Yea

Daniel: Yea, us three have been talking

Corbyn: Yep

Jack: Me and Zach just got here. We were wondering where you guys want to meet up at?

Jonah: How about Olive Garden?

Corbyn: I am down

Daniel: Same here

Jack: Let me talk to Zach and I'll let you know

"Hey, Zac-"

"I am down with Olive Garden," Zach says interrupting me.

"How did you know?" I say with confusion.

"I was reading the group chat."

"Oh ok," I say laughing.

*Texting the boys*

Jack: We are down for Olive Garden

Jonah: Great we are going to go get ready

After reading Jonah's text I set my phone down and open my suitcase. While I was trying to find some clothes, Zach came out of the bathroom and I froze. He came out wearing a red button up shirt with black skinny jeans and white high tops.

"Uhm, Jack you ok dude?" Zach says waking me up from my trance.

"Oh sorry, I guess I might have zoned out."

"That's ok. The bathroom is open for you to change."

"Oh, thanks," I say grabbing some clothes.

I run to the bathroom and shut the door, looking in the mirror I think to myself, you have to control yourself, Jack. I put on a white shirt and some black pants with black shoes. I walk out of the bathroom and see Zach staring at me.

"I am not that handsome."

"Oh, I am sorry I guess I zoned out. Was just thinking about how meeting the boys is going to go."

"Well, I guess we should head out, let me just find my jacket."

"What does it look like?"

"It's a black jean jacket."

"Oh, here it is," Zach says handing me my jacket.

"Thanks. Let's head to Olive Garden." I say grabbing the key card.

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