Chapter 5- It is a success?

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Zach's Pov

I guess I'll talk to mom tomorrow. I am going to head to bed, putting my phone on the charger. I collapse on my bed, putting my head on my pillow my phone goes off, Who is that? Picking up my phone I smile, Jack!

"Why do you have to ask your mom, aren't you 19?"

"No, I am 17 but I am pretty sure I might be able to go. My mom's pretty chill."

"Ok, just let me know if you can so I can set some things up."

"Ok, I am going to talk to her tomorrow."

"Well, I am going to let you head to bed. Goodnight."


*The next morning*

Ugh, I don't want to wake up but I should talk to my mom. Getting up I grab my phone and head downstairs.

"Hey mom, can I talk to you?"

"Yea what's up honey?"

"So you know how I want to pursue my music career..."


"Well I might have a chance to pursue it but I have to go to LA."

"Why do you have to go to LA?"

"Well my friend who I met is a singer and he found these three other dudes who also are singers. And well he planned a time we can meet up and see if we connect and well we might start a band... if we have a good connection."

"When are you guys going to meet up?"

"September 18 to the end of the month."

"Have you guys planned out anything yet?"

"Well the other guys said they can go, they're just waiting on me so we can plan."

"Are these guys real?"

"Yes, I can even show you their videos on youtube."

"Can I think about it while you are at school?"

"Yea I just need to know by the end of the day."

"Ok, thanks for letting me know. Now you better go get dressed, you're going to be late for school."

"Oh shoot!"

I run-up to my room and throw on holy jeans and a sweatshirt. After I get dressed I run downstairs and grab my backpack and keys and head to my car, I am going to be late. After a ten minute drive and 5 minutes trying to find a parking spot, I finally was able to get into the school.

*After school at home*

"Hey, mom I am home," I say setting down my backpack and heading into the kitchen.

"So I thought about the trip to LA and I have decided to let you go. Just if you feel uncomfortable let me know and I'll get you a plane ticket home... ok?"

"Thank you, mom! I will for sure let you know. I have to go to work on some last things for school."

"Ok, I love you."

"Love you too mom."

*Texting Jack*

"Great news my mom is letting me go! So you can start planning."

"That's great. I am going to start planning. Can you buy your own ticket?"

"Yea I was planning that already. Lol."

"I'll talk to you later. Bye."


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