Day 28 - Touch-Starved Deku

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Midoriya woke up and had an urge. So, he changed into his uniform, brushed his teeth, and put his bag by the door.

That was how he found himself clinging on Todoroki's left side.

"So, Midoriya," Todoroki began, pulling out a notebook that was painfully familiar, "I want to know whether you are a secret love child of Aizawa-sensei and Ms. Joke and you're relatives with All Might."

"I am not!" Midoriya protested as he hugged Todoroki.

"Then explain what happened the day before yesterday."

"Midobro, why are you hugging Todoroki?" Kirishima asked and Midoriya looked at him.

"He's comfy," Midoriya murmured  and Kirishima sighed. Kirishima blinked.

Midoriya was not hugging Todoroki's side anymore.

"Wait, where'd Midobro go?!" Kirishima panicked. Todoroki looked up from his notebook and replied, "Not here."

"Yeah, I know, but..."

"Midoriya's really comfy!" Hagakure squealed. Todoroki and Kirishima turned their heads to see Hagakure with Midoriya.

"H-how what when why?" Kirishima sputtered. Todoroki stared intently at Midoriya before shrugging and he continued to write in his notebook.

However, that wasn't the only mystery.


"How did he get there?" Sero pointed at Hitoshi, who was sitting in his seat with Midoriya hugging his neck from behind.

Sero was positive that Midoriya was still at the dorms when he left.

Hitoshi shrugged and leaned back while closing his eyes.

Sero turned around to talk with Kaminari behind him when he saw something strange.

Kaminari was carrying a person on his back and his backpack was on the front side of him.

That person was Midoriya.

Sero pointed at Midoriya once more while yelling, "When did you get there?"

Kaminari stared at Sero, confused. "He's been here for about thirty seconds. I thought you knew that!"

Sero looked back and forth between the two boys before sighing and putting his hand on his face. When he took it off, Midoriya wasn't on Kaminari any more. Instead, he was with Jirou and Momo.

Sero stared at him. Kaminari followed Sero's gaze and said, "Huh. I didn't notice."

Sero just gave up.


Iida knew that as a class representative, he should be able to do his work quickly and accurately. That's why he had so many books in his dorm after all. However, even he couldn't figure out how Midoriya got from one place to another.

"Midoriya," Iida said, "weren't you with Koda? How did you even get here?" He moved his arms up and down, frustrated.

"He was here for a while," Uraraka tilted her head and said, "Right, Deku - oh, he's gone." She looked around the table.

"He's over here," Tokoyami pointed next to him. "Dark Shadow is cuddling with him."

And sure enough, he was. His arms were wrapped around Dark Shadow's body and Dark Shadow's were around his. Dark Shadow's head rested on top of Midoriya's head.

"His hair is very soft!" Dark Shadow exclaimed.

Iida prided himself on his explanations for many things. But this was out of his knowledge.


Sato was baking some cookies. Midoriya was being less energetic today and Sato was somewhat worried. Just then, something hit his back. Sato turned his head.

Midoriya was hugging him.

Sato smiled and continued to bake. Midoriya was alright. It's just that he was more hugging than ever.


Aoyama was the sparkliest, at least, in his opinion.

He had glitter.

He had the fashion.

He had the natural sparkliness.

Almost nothing could stop his shine.

Aoyama was eating his cheese, brie to be exact. Hitoshi was staring at him rather strangely, but many people stared at him.

It was part of his charm.

Aoyama looked at Hitoshi and winked.

Hitoshi looked rather unusual and started muttering while walking away.


Aoyama looked down on his lap to see Midoriya laying on it. Taking a rectangular piece of cheese, he put it in Midoriya's mouth.

"Cheese? Mon amie?"

Midoriya started chewing and when he swallowed, he said, "Thanks for the cheese, Aoyama."

"You're welcome!"

(Meanwhile, Hitoshi walked up to Todoroki, passed him some bills, and said, "Please figure out how Aoyama seems to have an unlimited amount of cheese in his box."

Todoroki pushed back the money and replied, "I'm on it."

When asked about this, the two said no comment.)


Ojirou felt something hit his tail. Bringing his tail forward, he saw Midoriya on it, hugging it with his entire body. His arms and legs were wrapped around it and his face was snuggling against his fur.

Ojirou shrugged before continuing to talk with Hagakure, who kept glancing at the green-haired boy.


"Can anyone tell me why Midoriya has a bunch of cats?" Jirou said and Class 1a looked at her strangely.

"Koda only has a bunny!" Mina pointed out and Jirou nodded.

"Exactly, so why does Midoriya have a bunch of cats?"

A ding came from the elevator. Class 1a watched as the door opened and Midoriya stepped out of it, being followed by a kindle of cats. One was on Midoriya's fluffy head.

"Midoriya, why do you have a group of cats following you?" Iida slowly said.

Midoriya stopped and turned to Iida. "I have no idea."

Midoriya then walked over to the group and the cats followed. Soon, everyone had petted at least five cats. Aizawa had popped in and was also joining the huddle.


The class couldn't keep the cats so they ended up giving them to the adoption center. Midoriya was the last to leave. When they got to the dorms...

"Why the fuck is there still a shitty cat in Deku's hair," Bakugou said. It wasn't even a question, just a statement.

"I don't feel like telling you off so you can keep him, Problem Child."

Everyone sweatdropped at their teacher, who pulled out a sleeping bag with legs, got in it, and walked away.

"So, what should I name him?" Midoriya asked.

"What do you want to name him?" Shouji asked.

Midoriya stared at the brown and white cat. He stared right back.


"Your names are very unusual, kero," Asui said while Bakugou yelled, "WHO THE FUCK NAMES THEIR FUCKING CAT 'CAT CHILD'?!?"

Everyone sweatdropped once more.

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