Day 4 - Ghost Deku

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Midoriya woke up to find himself in, instead of his room, a dark one. He looked around and remembered.

Oh yeah. The villain attack.

Remembering he wasn't a baby, he looked down to see what he was. Midoriya hoped he wasn't changing colors or something. He just wanted to be able to get out. 

Midoriya thanked his lucky stars when he saw what he was. Lifting his arm, he peered through it. Slightly transparent, he swiped at a wall. His hand went through it like nothing. He wondered whether he could change his transparency and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he looked at his arm, only to find it disappeared. Midoriya looked for the rest of his body but it had also disappeared. 

Grinning, Midoriya flew through the door that kept him in this room. As he went through the metal maze of hallways, Midoriya wanted to facepalm himself. He could just fly through the roof. Facing up, he went through the floors and roofs to see the base in an abandoned church. Looking around, he figured out the address and swiftly went back to UA.



"How could we let Midoriya get taken by the villains!" Mina yelled and the rest of the class glumly nodded. 

They were disappointed in themselves and were now in the common room, upset.

"What if they discover Midoriya's accident?" Uraraka murmured and the class turned grim. If the villains knew of it, what would they do? And if they take advantage of him?

"Hey you guys! I am here!"

"It's like I can hear his voice," Hagakure said.

"You can! I'm here! Wait a sec!"

Momo then asked, "Did anyone else hear that?"

"Now that you mention it..."

"Here I am!" Midoriya turned visible and floated in the middle of the dorms. The class blinked at him before shouting a collective, "WHAT?!"

"Are you a... ghost?" Iida asked, pushing up his glasses. It was rather shocking for him to see his friend only partly visible and floating a few inches off the ground.

Midoriya grinned and flew a few loop-de-loops. "Yep. I escaped and went through the roof."

Ojirou sighed, "Jeez, how lucky are you?"

Shrugging, Midoriya replied, "I don't know. Is it lucky to be hit by the quirk or is it lucky to turn into the right thing to escape?"

"True," Ojirou responded and Uraraka bounced to him. "We're just glad you're back."

"Hey," Todoroki said, "if you were able to get here, do you know where their base is?"

They stared at Midoriya, whose eyes went wide as he said, "Oh shoot! I forgot to tell Aizawa-sensei!" And with that said, he zoomed through the walls towards the school.


Aizawa held his head in his hands as he sat in a meeting. Midoriya had been taken and unlike last time, they had no idea where Midoriya could be. So how could they find him?

It turned out he would find them. Because right in the middle of their meeting, Midoriya's head popped through the table like Mirio's.

"Blech!" Toshinori spat out a bit of blood before dabbing it with a handkerchief. 

"Midoriya?" Aizawa asked and Midoriya flew through the table. Now fully visible, Aizawa could see that his student was translucent.

"I'm a ghost!" Midoriya said, waving his arms. Present Mic covered his mouth and snorted. Aizawa rolled his eyes. Of course Yamada would think this is funny.

Midoriya's (Accidental) Quirky Monthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن