Day 5 - Personality Split Deku

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Look how happy Gran Torino is for his taiyaki.

Okay, let's go back to the story. However, because I have to fit this in one chapter, it's going to be a lot simpler than usual.


Midoriya woke up earlier than he usually was, around two hours earlier. He didn't know why, but he felt empty. He felt broken. He felt a space in his heart that was supposed to be filled. He tried to smile. Then tried to frown. Then tried to cry. He came to one conclusion.

He was emotionless.


Midoriya walked down into the empty common room. Or at least, it was supposed to be empty. 

He spotted a bright yellow copy(?) of himself sitting on the couch, drinking some soda. "Oh, looks like you're awake already. I thought it would take ten more minutes," the other him said, looking at the clock in the room. 

"Erm, who are you? And why do you look like me?"

"I'm the Happiness part of you!"

Was that supposed to make sense?

"Basically, you have been split up into your different emotions and moods."

Ah. That made more sense. "So, what should I do?"

"Go find them of course. If any of them disappear, then you would lose that part of yourself. Duh."

Midoriya's eyes widened. Just then, the elevator came to life and opened its doors. "Midoriya? You're already up? You're not usually... Midoriya, why are there two of you?" Iida looked back and forth between the two Midoriyas. "And why is the other you yellow?"

"Apparently, my emotions and I split so now my emotions are actually people. Until tomorrow, I'm emotionless. He's my happiness emotion."

Iida nodded. "So, do we need to find them?"

"I guess, considering that if anything happens to one of them, I'll lose that part of me."

"Then we must find them!" Iida yelled, chopping his hands around.

"Iida... you're too loud..."

The two - three if you count the other Midoriya - turned around to see the rest of the class, whose jaws dropped.

"Midoriya, why is there a yellow you?" Kaminari asked. Midoriya just sighed and repeated his explanation. 


"So there are how many of you running around?"

"Happiness? How many me exist?"

"There's me, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Trust."

"Jeez, we have to find five Midoriyas?

"Okay, who's getting Aizawa-sensei? I got him last time!"


"So Problem Child's been split into eight other problem children and we have to find seven of them?"

"Yep, Aizawa-sensei!"

"Of course Problem Child's in the center of all of this. Ojirou, you can tell the rest of the class that I'll let them skip classes to find the Problem Child's emotions."


The class of twenty - well, twenty two if you counted Happiness Midoriya and Aizawa - was split into three groups: [Tried to make it as easy to remember as possible]

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