Day 9 - Neko Deku

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Midoriya woke up to the sound of his alarm and quickly shut it off. He itched his chest and then looked down quickly. Midoriya grinned when he saw he was back to being a boy again. Quickly taking off the shirt to take off the bra, the shirt caught on two things on his head. Midoriya's eyes went wide. If there were two things on his head, that meant...

Touching the top of his head, he groaned. Was the universe trying to kill him? The two soft fluffy ears twitched as he stroked them. Midoriya had to admit, scratching them was pretty comfortable. After finally taking the bra off, he put on his shirt. He put the bra into a small plastic bag to deliver to Uraraka.

As he put on his pants, he felt his tail swish around. Wait a moment,


Midoriya looked down and saw his smooth green tail move around. He curled it around his right leg and sighed. How was he going to put on his pants?

He decided to put his tail through one of the pant legs, his right one to be exact. As he made his way to Uraraka's dorm, Ojirou walked by. Midoriya got an idea.

"Hey, Ojirou?"

"Yeah Midoriya?" Ojirou asked and Midoriya shuffled his feet.

"How do you put on pants if you have a tail?"

"I have special pants. Wait... You're not saying you have a tail."

Midoriya sighed. "Yeah, I do."

Ojirou's eyebrows furrowed. "But, why a tail?"

One of his ears twitched and Ojirou did a double take. "You're a cat?! I didn't notice the ears till now. Your hair hides it really well."

Midoriya nodded and uncurled his tail off his leg and brought it down, so that Ojirou could see it.

"I don't think I have anything that can help. Besides, I'm bigger than you as well as my tail," Ojirou said, pointing at his own tail.

"Ah, thanks anyway," Midoriya said and asked, "Can you not tell anyone about it? I don't want to die."

Ojirou let out a chuckle and affirmed that he wouldn't. Midoriya smiled slightly.

"Thanks, Ojirou!" Midoriya waved to Ojirou and he waved back.

Midoriya went back up the elevator and knocked on Uraraka's door. He brought his tail back up and curled his tail to the top of his leg. Uraraka opened the door and she said, "Oh, hey! Are you returning it?"

Midoriya nodded and Uraraka beamed. "Great," she said and took the bag. "Thanks, Deku!"

He smiled and Uraraka shut the door while thinking, 'Jeez, how bright can a smile get'.

Once the door was completely closed, Midoriya mentally let out a breath of relief. If he played his cards right, he could get away with being a cat. Even if Ojirou did know he was a cat, Ojirou would definitely not tell anyone if Midoriya told him not to. He was trustworthy like that.

Going onto the elevator, he went down to the common room and went to the kitchen to make some cereal.

"Hello, Midoriya," Todoroki said next to the refrigerator and Midoriya replied, "Hey, Todoroki!" Quickly, Midoriya made his cereal and sat down to eat. He made sure that he uncurled his tail around the part of his leg that would be in between his leg and the seat. Midoriya pulled in his chair so that he was almost completely under the table to make sure that no one would notice it. After all, he chose dark green shorts for a reason.

"Hello," Shinsou said and he took a seat next to Midoriya.

"Hello Shinsou! Did you need some coffee?"

"I've already got some, but thanks Midoriya," he replied and pulled out a coffee cup out of nowhere. Midoriya stared at the cup, trying to figure out how Shinsou even got it. After a moment or two, he shrugged it off mentally. For all he knew, Shinsou's coffee could act like Midoriya's notebooks. A mystery.

"Ah, you got some lint here," Shinsou said and Midoriya asked, "Can you get it?"


Midoriya didn't expect Shinsou to reach for his hair and brush off something at the base of his fuzzy ear.

A purr escaped his mouth. Midoriya's eyes closed as he put his chin on his hands. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he took off his head from his hands and stared at Shinsou, whose eyes were also wide. Midoriya quickly turned around and his eye twitched slightly. His entire class was in the common room. Just fantastic.

"Did you just purr?" Shinsou asked and Midoriya turned his head towards him.

Sighing, Midoriya nodded and some of the girls squealed behind him.

"So, you have a tail?" Kaminari asked and Midoriya nodded to that and stood up. His tail swished in his pant leg as everyone stared at it.

Jirou commented, "It must be a pain right now to have."

Midoriya chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck and sat back down. Shinsou stared at his head. "Can I touch your hair?" Shinsou asked and Midoriya nodded as he finished his cereal. Midoriya rather liked Shinsou scratching his head. It was comfy.

The room was soon filled with Midoriya's quiet purrs. Some of the girls - cough, cough, Mina and Hagakure, cough, cough - were saying things like, 'So cute!' or 'Aww' and some of the others smiled at the cute scene.

"I wonder how fluffy Midoriya's hair is."

Some heads turned to the person who made the comment, which was surprisingly Todoroki. Others like Asui didn't think too much of it. Cats liked Todoroki and Todoroki liked cats. It was as simple as that.

Todoroki walked over and rubbed Midoriya's head with his left hand. Midoriya smiled a bit wider. Soon, several people, including Mina, Hagakure, Uraraka, Momo, Kirishima, and Kaminari, were taking turns patting Midoriya's head. Iida took Midoriya's bowl and spoon and put them in the sink. He knew that Midoriya was not in a position to do it right now.

The rest of the day was filled with comfy silence and cuteness. They watched a movie as well and Midoriya sat in the middle of a bunch of people on the couch as they watched some Disney movies. He rather liked this.

At least the girls didn't kill his ears.


"Aizawa-sensei? What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked as Aizawa petted his head.

"You're a cat."


"Hmm..." Aizawa hummed and patted his head once more before leaving. Midoriya stared at the retreating back of his teacher in confusion before shrugging and getting some blueberries. He then ate almost the entire box of them.

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