Day 19 - Gum-gum Deku

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So I actually haven't watched One Piece so if anything seems off please tell me. Thank you to Wolfboy939 for the suggestion!


If there was one specific time and place that Midoriya knew everything was going to go wrong, he would say when he woke up today.

It was a regular morning, for you know, Midoriya this month. Waking up, he went to brush his teeth and when he came back, he was going to put on his uniform.

The problem was - 

"Why the heck am I stretchy?" Midoriya frowned, looking at his finger. When Midoriya was putting on his uniform, his finger must've got caught somewhere because it started stretching. It was kind of like that mom from the Incredibles.

A theory lodged itself into Midoriya's head. Looking down at his arm, he stretched it and brought it back to normal. Over and over and over again, until Midoriya could confidently say that he got used to the fact that his arm was somehow stretching.

After putting on his uniform, Midoriya packed his bag and went downstairs to eat. Most of the class was already there, except for a few individuals, like Iida, who must've went to school earlier.

"Midoriya's actually in one piece!" [LOL] Kaminari teased and Midoriya could feel the blush come up.

"I don't go to Recovery Girl everyday!" Midoriya protested and Mina raised an eyebrow.

"Then what about all those times you broke your bones?"

"I can control my quirk now, thank you very much!"


"I'm serious!"

"So am I."

Midoriya sighed as Sero high-fived Mina. Todoroki looked at Midoriya and asked, "What's your new add-on today?"

Midoriya held out his arm and started to stretch it, back and forth and back and forth. Kirishima whispered to Kaminari, "Is it weird I find this satisfying?"

No it was not, Kirishima. Midoriya also thought that as well.

"So you're like Elastigirl from the Incredibles, right Deku?" Uraraka asked as she watched his arm.

Midoriya tilted his head. "That's the name of the mom, right?" Uraraka nodded.

Bakugou growled, "Who the fuck cares about the name of whatever fucking character, Deku's stretching like a fucking piece of gum!"

Midoriya sweatdropped as Mina started to tease Bakugou about caring for Midoriya. 

Mina had guts alright. He just hoped that she still had guts when she was done with Bakugou.


Midoriya was glad that he didn't have to figure out his quirk in some slightly dangerous way. Like when he sneezed out fire yesterday.

That was not fun at all.

He sat down in his seat at homeroom by the window. Aizawa came up to the front of the room. 

That's when everything went downhill. For his classmates. Not him.

"We are," Aizawa announced, "going to have a hero exercise that will last the entire day."

The class buzzed with excitement as Aizawa continued.

"This exercise is designed to improve your attention to your surroundings, as well as your quick thinking and your stamina. It's called Everyone against Everyone and is exactly what it sounds like. It will take up the entire day and will take place in Ground Beta. All Might will continue to explain." Aizawa walked out of the room and - although the students couldn't see him - went into the teacher's lounge, where he stepped into his sleeping bag, zipped himself up, and went to sleep.

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