Day 8 - Female Deku

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Lol, I actually didn't think of this and had to surf the internet for ideas. Wth.


Midoriya groaned as he rolled onto his stomach to look at his alarm clock.

That's when he realized what the quirk made him become.

That's also approximately when he yelled bloody murder.

He sat up and felt at his hair. There wasn't any change, thankfully, but his body definitely had some changes. Midoriya blushed slightly.

"Midoriya, are you alright in there?" Shinsou's voice rang through the door.

"Erm, can you get one of the girls?" Midoriya asked, hesitantly.

It was silent for a moment before Shinsou said, "What?"

"Can you get one of the girls?"

"And why do you need one of the girls?"

"I kinda need to know something," Midoriya replied and Shinsou sighed.

"It's because you turned into something that you don't want the boys to see," Shinsou guessed.

Midoriya started to nod, but realized that Shinsou couldn't see through the door. "Yeah, so can you get one of the girls?"

He faintly heard Shinsou murmur, "That's a first," before saying, "Sure, but don't blame me if they kill your eardrums."

Midoriya silently gulped as he heard Shinsou walk away from his door. Looking around his room, he put on his regular school pants over his boxers and looked at his shirt. It should be good enough, right?

Someone knocked at the door. "Midoriya, Shinsou said you needed one of us, what is it?" Momo said and Uraraka yelled, "What do you need?"

"Um, can you guys enter and close the door?"

The door opened and Momo and Uraraka entered the room to see Midoriya - 

as a girl.

"Oh my goodness," Uraraka covered her mouth with her hands and Momo nodded. 

"Alright, I can see why you want our help," Momo said, "Uraraka, can you get some clothes and put them in a bag? Probably a size C? Like yours."

Uraraka nodded confidently and walked out of the room. Midoriya fidgeted with his fingers. He wouldn't call him her. He wasn't that far out yet.


After a few minutes, Uraraka returned and Momo turned to Midoriya. Taking out a piece of fabric, she said, "This is a bra. Turn around and put it on."

Midoriya turned around and took of his shirt. Grabbing the bra from Momo, he put the bra over his head and put it on. 

Momo sighed silently while thinking, 'Good thing Uraraka got the stretchy one and not the clip one.' Momo then said out loud, "Alright, now you can put on your uniform. We probably wouldn't be able to get the girls' uniform so you'll have to wear your normal uniform on."

Uraraka waved bye as the two went out of the room. "Call us if you need anything!"

Midoriya blushed as he put on his shirt, tie, and jacket. He sighed in relief as it was easy to move around in. If it hadn't, Midoriya would have turned bright red.

He was not a tomato.

As he got his bag and went downstairs, his heart pounded against his chest. Hopefully he could sneak out?

When Midoriya got to the common room, his hopes were crushed. Most, if not all, of Class 1a were at the common room. And when he got there - 

"Midoriya?!" Sero yelled and Midoriya blushed.

"So this is why you didn't let me in your room," Shinsou noted and Kaminari asked, "Don't tell me you got turned into a girl."

Midoriya bit the inside of his lip and Mina yelled, "Midoriya is now one of us! Midoriya is under our protection!"

Todoroki tilted his head. "Whose protection?" he asked and Mina waved over the girls.

"Our protection!" Hagakure said, crossing her arms (not like anyone knew).

Midoriya sweatdropped at their actions and let the girls pull him away to school.


"You are a girl now?" Aizawa asked.

Midoriya nodded shyly and Aizawa sighed. "Of course you are."


"Oh my word, you are so cute as a girl!" Midnight squealed and Midoriya put his head in his hands in embarrassment. 

"Aw, don't cover up your sweet face!" Midnight said and the class chuckled quietly at Midoriya's misfortune.


"So, do I change in the girls' changing room?" Midoriya asked right before hero training. 

Aizawa nodded and All-Might said, "Yes, Young Midoriya."

Midoriya faintly flushed and walked over to the changing room. He really, really wanted to be a boy again.


"Midoriya's still shy!" Mina laughed and Jirou rolled her eyes.

"Of course he would be," she said, "it's not everyday you get turned into a girl and get forced into changing in their changing room."

Midoriya was changing with back towards everyone and if anyone looked closely, his face was a deep crimson.

"But still!" Mina whined, "we're now all girls! It's not like Midoriya can change it right now!"

"But he's still a boy at heart, kero. Why do you think we call him 'he' instead of 'she'?" Asui put in her two-cents and the other girls nodded.

"Well," said Hagakure, "at least it's Midoriya and not like that other guy. What was his name again?"

"It was Mineta," Momo informed her and Hagakure nodded, "Yeah, that guy."

Mineta was a short pervert. That's all the girls needed to know to hate his perverted tendencies on the first day. He was eventually put in General Studies though.

"Yep, at least it's not him," Jirou sighed in relief.


"It must be really awkward for Midoriya," Ojirou said as he put on his hero suit.

Kirishima nodded, "Yeah, but Midoriya is manly! He won't do anything dishonest."

"Tch," Bakugou snorted, "Damn Deku wouldn't even cheat on a goddamn test. No way he would act that shitty."

Kaminari nodded. "At least he's not Mineta."

"Yeah, at least Midoriya's not Mineta."


A certain purple head was working on his work when he sneezed. 

"I better not be sick or something. And if anyone's talking about me, it'd better not be an insult," he said, as he scribbled numbers onto his sheet.


The day was awkward, especially in the changing room. However, after school, it was pretty normal. 

For their standards at least. Heaven's sake, they could be attacked by villains and they'd think it'd be normal. 

Class 1a was weird like that.

Mina had managed to pull him into a girls' sleepover, since it was Friday. They had somehow managed to convince Midoriya to let them do his finger and toenails and painted them into Class 1a students. (Somehow it worked, even the toenails. What they didn't tell Midoriya was that it would last for at least a few days.)

As midnight grew closer, the actual girls slept over. Midoriya went back to his dorm at 11:30.

Once Midoriya lied down on the bed, he sighed. Tomorrow, he would be back to being a boy.

He quite enjoyed that idea very much.

Midoriya's (Accidental) Quirky MonthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum