✤chapter 5

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'It's me,' a familiar face greets, pulling down the face mask.

'What happened to you? I was so worried,' Hyuna replied, setting aside the vase. Her hands reached to hold his.

' Hyuna, I am fine. Do you want this wedding?' Jinki asked, gripping her shoulder with a sense of urgency.

'No!' Hyuna cried, mentioning her plans of running away.

'Good, we need to leave.' The man opened the glass window; it had ample space for escape. He hastily pulled out the curtain rod and tied a rope in its place. Tugging hard on the windowsill to make sure it would not untie mid-way.

'I don't have the passport with me.' Hyuna told as she plucked away the veil, it was hindering movement.

'It's alright, I arranged for a ship. It will take you to Japan. Once you arrive at the port, my friend will meet you. I will bring you a new passport.' Jinki explained in brief.

They had no time left. The knocks on the door came sooner than expected. 'Will he be fine?' Hyuna looked at the unconscious man before stepping closer to the window.

'He's not dead,' Jinki stated, bringing her the rope. 'It's one floor, you can do it.'

The commotion outside the door grew with every passing second. 'Miss, are you inside?' ' Please open the door!' 'Why isn't she answering?'

Jinki took to the adjacent pipes and slid himself down. Hyuna gripped the rope, her legs dangling in midair. She looked down. Her mind began playing games, afraid of the height. 'Hyuna, quick,' Jinki called out, spreading his arms. Trusting her companion, the other let go of the rope, learning he would catch her.

'He said you would come for it,' Sehun brought up, leaning against the wall. He had seen the other arrival from the cameras.

'Junmyeon knows me well.' Minho added, acknowledging the maknae's presence. Minho dropped the sniper case and weapons with EXO's security staff. He followed Sehun as the youngest led him to a private office. 'I heard Lay left.' Minho said, walking along the dimly lit path. The walls, covered with huge member portraits.

'He's got rookies to train in China.' Sehun told as he jabbed the digits to Suho's office. 'He might be down in five,' the assassin left, closing the door behind him.

'SM, south depot,' Jonghyun spoke from the other end, catching Minho's attention. His mind was preoccupied with mission failure. He still could not wrap his head around why the press conference; canceled abruptly.

'Hyung, say hi to Jongin,' Taemin chirped into the earpiece as Minho waited for the other leader to arrive.

'I'm not here for pleasantries,' Minho opposed the thought. Everyone in EXO and SHINee was on good terms, except for their leaders. Their predecessors agreed on a pact to be friends in adversity.

Neither of the heirs had any personal hatred, but they never got along since childhood. French fries and ice cream are great, individually. French fries with ice cream? Now, that's a disaster and must be kept at an arm's distance from each other.

So whenever a need arose for combined missions, they left the leaders out of the scene.

'The ship arrives at eight. Be there on time,' Key advised, as he pulled the mic from the younger and hung up.

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