She ran up to her room and shut the door, landing herself on her bed and groaning. Was she that easy of a person? Was she that naive?


There was a knock at her door.

"Go away!" she yelled.

"You've been in your room all day," stated her brother, "You skipped lunch, I'm not letting you skip dinner."

"Then bring it up to my room," she snapped.

"Unless you're sick or have an infectious disease, you're not eating in your room. You're eating downstairs with the rest of us."

"I have an infectious disease!" she answered.

"Oh?" he asked sarcastically.

"It's called depression and anxiety, and all of you will catch it too if you're around me!" she screamed so loud that she was sure the whole house could hear her, and she was fine with it.

The door opened and she rolled over to see Namjoon standing before her. He grabbed her by the wrist and literally dragged her down the hall.

"Careful with the stairs," she warned with a monotonous tone.

He dragged her down the stairs and into the kitchen, "Come on, get in your seat."

"I'd rather eat on the floor," she stated. In truth, she didn't want to face anyone right now. Especially not Taehyung because she was cringing at herself for what happened earlier and how she had dealt with it.

He yanked her to her feet and set her in the chair, "Stay," he commanded her like she was a dog. She scoffed, letting out a 'woof' to mock him. He clenched his jaw, sitting down at the other end of the table.

Scowling as she played with her food, she took small bites every now and then. She avoided eye contact with Taehyung who was sitting next to her. The others eyed her, waiting for either her or Namjoon to speak up.

"Just so you know, I'm eating this for Jin and Yoongi. Not for you," she snapped at her brother.

"Stop acting like a child, Daechul. Grow up," he flared.

She started to jump from her seat but Jimin had foreseen this. He got up from his before she could manage to and put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back down into her seat gently. He patted her shoulder and glanced back at Namjoon nervously.

", now let's just finish eating our dinner, shall we?" he gave her a small smile. And she forced a smile back, nodding stiffly.

He let out a sigh of relief, "Good, now has your day been?"

"Wrong question," she said, stuffing her face full of food.

"Oh..okay then. Well what have you been up to today?" he asked.

"I've been busy dying in my room all day," she answered.

"Dying?" he asked. Everyone was clearly eaves dropping on the conversation but acted like they were so interested in their food, curious to why Daechul had been acting the way she was all day.

"Yes, its a fun activity actually. It consists of you lying on the floor for two hours, moping about how the past few years have sucked and then with your last bit of strength, you manage to climb up onto your bed and regret your life decisions for another three hours," she said.

There was silence.

"Are you...okay?" he asked, concerned.

She slowly looked over at him with a look that sent shivers down his spine, "Do I look fine to you, love?"

Namjoon slammed his fist down onto the table, "To your room now, you're freaking everyone out!"

Daechul brightened up significantly, "Oh, you want me in my room now? Great! See you guys when I'm done with hibernation!" She jumped up, carrying her plate with her.

Namjoon blinked, realizing what he had just done, "Hey, wait! Dae!"

She was already gone. Everyone looked around at each other.

"That girl is freaking nuts," Jin said, "Are you sure she doesn't need to take a psych test or something? Is she bipolar?"

Namjoon was silent before answering, "I'll talk to her."

"That's probably the worst idea," Yoongi declared.

Everyone turned their heads to him in shock. Of all the people in the room, he was the last person anyone expected to speak up and give him advice.

"Just give her time. She hasn't been back home for how long? And things aren't quite exactly like they were when she was here. She's had to go into hiding for eight years so she probably hasn't made many friends before and is somewhat socially...weird. So just give her time to cool her nerves a bit," Yoongi said, amazing them all.

Namjoon slowly nodded, "Okay...maybe you're right."


Bipolar ◑ A BTS Mafia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now