Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

And then, "You guys go on, there's something I have to do."

Clara gave him an exasperated look, not wanting to go on without him. He was a huge part of the reason they were even escaping; the girl was certain they wouldn't have figured out what was wrong without him.


"You gotta trust me on this." He said seriously. "You wanna get out? Go."

Clara was still uncertain. Thomas also looked torn; his face indicating that he was thinking of what to say to make Aris go with them. But before he could say anything, Winston spoke up.

"Let me go with him."

And that way, it was guaranteed they wouldn't leave without him.

The rest of the group continued down the corridor, already discussing their plan for rescuing Teresa and escaping. When they turned a corner, a WCKD doctor heading in their direction halted all of their words in an instant.

"What are you kids doing?"

No one answered.

They didn't know how to. Luckily - or really, unluckily - an alarm sounded then, stealing their chance to say a single word. Clearly, they had been discovered as missing from their rooms.

The doctor's face flashed with realisation. Before she could even think about getting away, Clara had swooped in and grabbed her arm, a thought coming to her mind.

"I'm sorry." She muttered to the doctor, only half genuinely, and then looked to her friends. "She's good to have as a hostage, right?"

Her tone was only partially joking, and Minho stifled the laugh threatening to pass his lips. Newt nudged his arm, trying to tell him to remain serious in the dire situation.

"What?" Minho whined at the blonde, throwing his hands up in defeat. "She didn't lie! It's good to have a hostage."

Newt rolled his eyes, gently pushing Minho onwards and spurring the rest of them to continue down the corridor. Clara's hands were firmly on the doctor's shoulders, ensuring she couldn't escape from her grip.

As they turned another corner, they were met by the bullets of a gun. Springing back, they took cover with the wall, listening to the guard's yells to them. Ignoring his obnoxious shouts, the Gladers all stared at one another helplessly. They were a little stuck.

"Why are they shooting?" Frypan questioned in horror, although none of them - not even the doctor they had kidnapped - could answer.

Automatically, they turned to go back the way they came. It was counterproductive, but it also seemed like their only option. They'd simply have to find another way around the corridor.

Minho, on the other hand, hung back. His eyes were trained on the blank wall in front of him, in the direction of the hostile guard and his more-than-terrifying bullets.

"Minho, come on!" Newt called to him impatiently, clearly concerned - and rightly so - that he was going to do something stupid.

Suddenly, he had picked up in a run at the wall in front of him. Somehow he had timed it so perfectly that as he jumped his knee made contact with the guard, knocking him out cold from smacking his head against the wall.

"You genuinely amaze me." Clara admitted, to which the boy grinned cheekily.

"It's all part of the Minho charm." He winked, and Clara could see Newt rolling his eyes out of the corner of her vision.

"Gross." She muttered in reply.

Just as the boy was about to snap back at her, Thomas had rushed forwards and taken the gun from the unconscious guard. Now they were armed, they had a whole lot more power. And maybe they could get their hostage - Clara felt a little evil calling her that - to tell them where Teresa was being kept.

𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗨𝗦, thomas (tmr)Where stories live. Discover now