Chapter Fourteen

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"Day one Greenie. Rise and shine."

Gally had leapt down into the Box and spoken directly in the Greenie's face, grinning evilly at him. Clara watched in amusement, the Greenie already having perked her interest. She felt a little bad for the fearful expression playing on his face, but left it, since Gally was harmless really.

The boy, later to be known as Thomas, was dragged onto the grass by the overenthusiastic Builder. He sprawled himself on the ground, dizzy with confusion and clearly overwhelmed by all of the figures looming over him.

"Alright, let's give him some space!" Clara attempted to yell out to help the Greenie, but her voice got lost in the boys' mindless chatter.

"Or not." She mumbled to herself, her interest getting the better of her as she attempted to peer at the boy from behind the crowds.

"I could use some help in the Kitchens." Frypan commented with a grin, earning a number of chuckles.

"Oh, no he's gonna make a great Sl-"

The reply was cut off by Thomas scrambling to his feet and pushing his way out of the boys practically suffocating him. He started in a sprint off across the Glade, his legs moving faster than his brain could keep up with.

"Hey, we got a Runner!" 

Zart's words bounced around the girl's mind as she watched the Greenie plummet to the floor. He rolled over in the grass a number of times, thanks to his overwhelming momentum from running, and Clara winced at the pain most likely wracking through the boy's body.

He scrambled up from the ground almost immediately, his eyes only just catching on the four walls surrounding them. He froze in place, eyes darting across them, processing it all. The girl felt something unknown settle in her stomach as she watched him, something she couldn't recall ever feeling before.

And she couldn't help but think there was something different about this boy. 

"In the Slammer?"


Clara caught the words shared by their leader and second-in-command, frowning slightly at their wish to put the Greenie behind bars to allow him to gain his bearings. Remembering past incidences of Greenies running out into the Maze on their first day, she decided that it was probably for the best.

Thomas was harshly moved to their small jail cell, surprisingly quiet and compliant with the arms grabbing him and shoving him inside. Clara resisted the urge to go over and talk to him already, instead walking across the Glade to speak to Newt and Alby.

Thomas was their first ever Greenie arrival as leader and second-in-command. Nick was alive when Chuck got to the Glade. That really put it into perspective for Clara: just how quickly everything changed.

"What are you thinking?" Newt asked her, before she even reached them both.

He knew her well enough to tell when things were playing on her mind. She was absentmindedly fiddling with the sleeve of her shirt, pulling at the cotton threads out of nervous habit.

"There's something different about this Greenie." She said firmly.

In hindsight, she could tell she seemed a little crazy to be sure of something so soon. But she couldn't help it. It was like there was a voice in her head speaking to her over and over, telling her there was something about him.

Newt seemed unconvinced, having barely batted an eyelid at the boy. Alby slipped away, unnoticed, to go and talk to the boy in question.

"Can I speak to him?"

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