Chapter Nine

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Two years later... 

"The Box!"

The shout of a newer boy, a young arrogant Slicer that Clara couldn't stand, was completely unnecessary. Everyone knew the Box was coming up. They weren't deaf, they could all hear the siren perfectly well. Even Minho could hear fine; despite how many times he may ignore Alby's angry shouts to him about stealing one of his sandwiches in the morning.

One thing she noticed about Minho over the years, was how he calmed considerably. Of course, he was sometimes still the same eager puppy that he was on the first day of the Glade. There was also no doubt about the fact he was a sarcastic, sassy, quick-tempered boy, but he happened to be a quiet one. 

Everyone else was relatively the same.

The only difference in Nick was that he had shot up in height, making him intimidating only in the physical sense. Newt was also pretty lanky now, but still managed to keep the same boyish charm about him as two years ago.

Clara hadn't grown at all since arriving in the Glade. She was already taller than the majority of the boys, but now they had all had their growth spurts, she was about the same height as most of those her age.

Arriving quickly at the Box, she forced herself to ignore Adam - the wretched Slicer - and instead turned her attention to the wailing coming from inside the Box. It was almost impossible to block out the snickering from Adam and the other boys; Clara becoming suddenly annoyed that she couldn't throw the own boy's fear back in his face - considering he didn't cry on arrival.

Leaping down into the Box, she managed to elicit a yelp from the small boy sprawled in the corner. He was only thirteen, his curly hair falling down into his face, and his plump cheeks both rosy and tearstained. 

"Chuck down the rope!" She yelled back up to Gally, who always waited on side with the rope.

They only threw it down to help the younger boys, or the ones they thought would be too disorientated or upset to pull themselves up on the side of the Box . And despite being in the Glade for two long years, Clara could safely say she hadn't gotten better at greeting the new boys.

"Hey, I promise you you're okay." She told the small boy, trying to pat his shoulder, but instead making him jump back away from her.

Clara hauled herself up out of the Box and gestured for the boy to use the rope to get himself up. Usually, the Gladers watching on would be jeering and laughing at the clueless boy, but this Greenie was so young that no one could bring themselves to make fun of him.

They all just felt awful. And for most of the older ones, they knew what it was like to be like him: so young, so naïve, so innocent. It was heart breaking to see someone in the exact same position.

They all felt awful, except from Adam.

"Bets on the Greenie becoming a Slopper!"

His comment, meant to be a light hearted joke, instead felt sour and wrong in the moment. The Greenie just looked heavily confused at the use of foreign words, and it only took a second before he had collapsed into tears.

And no matter how bad Clara felt for the boy, she had no idea how to handle a crying child. Her helpless eyes instantly found Newt's in the awkward yet sympathetic crowd, and the boy swooped in instantly to divert the Greenie away from everyone's attention.

"Watch your shucking mouth, Adam." Clara warned, to which the boy just rolled his eyes.

Man, do I want to punch that kid. Is it worth a visit to the Slammer? 

𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗨𝗦, thomas (tmr)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz