Chapter One

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Clara woke with a surging breath. The taste of blood on her tongue was strong, and a mixture of drowsiness and confusion swirled in her brain.

Like she was moving in slow motion, she glanced up to familiarise herself to her surroundings. Her hands were gripping an iron grate floor like claws, and she came to realise that she was on the floor of an iron grate Box.

But she wasn't alone. When she looked up, she realised that she was very much not alone. Quite the opposite.

With her in the Box - already small enough due to the wooden crates piled inside with them - were dozens of boys; too many to count. Many were crying, some were yelling, and a few were sat or stood by themselves silently.

The girl felt horror and dread creeping up in her throat. She tried to get up onto her feet, only to be thrown onto a wooden crate when the Box lurched suddenly. It was travelling upwards, up an elevator shaft, and quickly.

"What the hell is going on?" She called out, dusting off her scuffed hands, and finally getting onto her feet with some sense of stability.

"You really think we know?" Someone yelled back to her. It seemed like he was expecting a few dry laughs, but no one responded. Everyone was far too confused and horrified.

She found the source of the voice: an Korean boy about fifteen, with black hair and dark eyes. He raised his eyebrows at her, mock-challengingly, but she could see the fear lying shallowly under the cold exterior he had put up.

"We need to get out." She said, more to herself than anyone else.

She whirled around so she was facing the outside of the Box, latching her hands onto the iron grate, and shaking it desperately. She knew instantly that it was no use. She furiously stopped a sob rising in her throat and began to hit the sides with her fists, screaming for help; although it felt more like she was getting her anger out.

And then, as quickly as it all had happened, the box stopped. It stopped with a shudder, sending many of the boys to the floor in a pile. But Clara wasn't focused on them.

Light flooded into the Box from above, and Clara instantly scrambled onto the wooden crate beside her to get a better look at what was awaiting them. The light threatened to blind her, and she took a few prolonged blinks in order to finally catch a glimpse.

"What's up there?"

From what she could see, it was simply a grassland. She almost forgot she wasn't alone, but at the reminder, she was grateful.

"I dunno, I can only see some grass." She told the unknown voice, feeling her scratchy throat burn at speaking the words.

A number of boys used their strength to push open the doors on the ceiling of the Box and to set them free. One hauled himself up in seconds and leaned back down into the Box, to extend a hand to Clara.

She took it gratefully, and dug her feet into gaps of the iron grate walls in order to climb up and out of the Box. She pulled herself up and thanked the boy swiftly as she retracted her hand and used it to rub the back of her neck; which was sweaty beyond belief.

Turning away from him, she was gobsmacked at the sight before her. This certainly wasn't simply a grassland. It was definitely a horror in comparison.

There was a small grassland and then a clump of trees, which could be classed as a forest, which laid ahead and stretched into a corner of the grassy square. In another corner was a small wooden shack. The rest of the area was taken up by a barn, a few animal pens - with cows, sheep and pigs - and a number of small fields.

𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗨𝗦, thomas (tmr)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora