Chapter Twenty Three

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"They did what?"

Newt glanced fearfully at the scalpel the girl was clenching in her fist, and then back up to her eyes. He looked reluctant to continue, mainly just because he was worried she'd get really angry and accidentally stab him with it.

Noticing his wide eyes on the scalpel, Clara put it down, and instead folded her arms across her chest. She watched him questioningly, silently telling him again to repeat what he said despite hearing him perfectly well.

Wincing, Newt squeezed his eyes shut as if that would help him to avoid the girl's wrath.

"Minho and Thomas went in the Maze with a bunch of the other Gladers."

"Who aren't Runners?"

Again, Clara knew the answer to this, but she was forcing Newt to repeat it to ensure she wouldn't go ballistic without knowing for certain.

"Nope, they're not Runners."

Boy was she angry about this.

Not about them going out into the Maze, in fact, she encouraged that. The thing she was angry about was that she wasn't asked to go.

It was stupid, really, but it hurt her. Minho was unapologetically a slinthead, so as much as she loved him, she sort of expected it from him. But Thomas on the other hand, she had hoped that he was different.

She thought that she could trust him, open up to him about the injury she suffered in the Maze, and he wouldn't see her any differently. Clearly, she was wrong. Obviously, Thomas thought she was too weak.

It broke her heart.

And the way she'd hide this upset was by getting angry. Really angry.

Newt quickly disappeared to allow her to wallow in this frustration alone, still kind of terrified that she would lash out on him. She was too angry to continue working, and she knew Newt wouldn't make her go back to work, so she instead decided to take a walk around the Glade.

It was difficult to find a minute for things like that. To simply just wander aimlessly, not thinking about any of the stressful things going on in their lives. And Clara couldn't even manage it.

It was impossible to get any of it out of her mind. Thomas' visions, the girl arriving, the fact the girl arriving was from Thomas' visions. And Thomas going into the Maze without her.

For the second time.

She couldn't blame him for the first time, after all, he saved Alby and killed a Griever. But she definitely could for the second time.

Stopping at the edge of the Gardens, she cast her eyes across the Glade to take a look at everyone working away. And then, in the corner of her eye, she could see Gally and Newt walking inside the Council room.

This immediately sparked her interest.

Instantly forgetting about her meaning-to-be peaceful stroll around the Glade, she took off in a light jog in their direction. She knew they'd be talking about Alby.

Of course, they didn't know what to do with him. Hopelessly and stupidly, they thought they could leave him until the effects of the Changing were over; something they weren't even sure could happen.

But Clara was starting to think it was cruel. Alby was clearly in pain, suffering to no relief. Would it be worse to keep him there rather than to Banish him?

Reaching the Council Room, she had about a hundred thoughts racing through her mind that she felt she needed to share. The room was fairly empty, so she knew she'd have plenty of time to talk, even with Gally there.

𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗨𝗦, thomas (tmr)Where stories live. Discover now