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Word count: 1222 (not including this)

~~~*What happened earlier but Ushijima*~~~

"Bye Wakatoshi-Kun!" Tendou yelled. Ushijima waved back to Tendou before walking outside. 'Ah, finally done with school.' Ushijima thought.

Ushijima stood at the front of Shiratorizawa, checking his phone. He was scrolling down when he heard a familiar scream. "Ushijima!" Ushijima immediately started running towards the voice, as he recognized it to be Oikawa's.

He saw Oikawa struggling against some thugs and Ushijima's blood boiled. As Oikawa passed out Ushijima swung his fist into one of the creep's face. The sudden strike immediately knocked out the man. The other two men dropped Oikawa to the ground before facing Ushijima head on.

One man punched Ushijima square in the nose. Ushijima stumbled before returning the favor. Ushijima was now fighting one to two.


Heavy breathing. It was the only thing that could be heard. Two unconscious men lay at Ushijima's feet, the last man had ran after seeing Ushijima so brutally beat up the other.

Ushijima looked for Oikawa, and found him slumped near the wall. Ushijima scooped him up and called an ambulance.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"Hellomy boyfriend was hurt by some people, please get here quickly he's unconscious."

"Ok sir please wait we are on our way."

Ushijima waited for only five minutes, but it felt like eternity.

Soon he heard sirens and saw an ambulance coming his way. Ushijima waved and they pulled over. The olive haired boy immediately carried Oikawa over and loaded him into the vehicle. Ushijima sat by Oikawa, worry written all over his face.


The paramedics had brought Oikawa into the hospital, and had Ushijima wait outside.

Soon Ushijima heard foootsteps and looked up, it was Mrs. and Mr. Oikawa. Ushijima immediately stood up and greeted them, introducing himself as Tōru's soulmate. The Oikawa's smiled and went in to see their son.

After several minutes they came out and excused themselves, both of them looked hopeful that their son would make a quick recovery. Ushijima continued to wait. His string was hurting him, but Ushijima couldn't even feel the pain, all he thought about was Oikawa. 'I hope he's ok. Hopefully those thugs didn't do anything life threatening to him..'

"Hello, Mr. Ushijima Wakatoshi? You're Oikawa Tōru's soulmate, yes?" Ushijima nodded. The nurse opened the door and gestured for Ushijima to come in.

Ushijima stepped into the room and whizzed over to Oikawa's side. The brunette had an IV drip hooked up to him, and was still unconscious.

"Miss, what happened to him exactly?" Ushijima shakily asked. The nurse replied, "The boy has chloroform in his system, there are several bruises too, but he should be fine. I would say he should be conscious within the next hour." before she walked out, closing the door.

"Tōru. I hope you're ok. I beat up those bastards for you. Please be ok. You have a match with Karasuno soon, I want to be able to see you kick their butts... Oh Oikawa!" Ushijima burst into tears and clung onto Oikawa's hands. He buried his face into the hospital bed and prayed his soulmate would be ok. He prayed and prayed until he eventually fell asleep.


'Mm... where am I?' Oikawa slowly propped himself on the hospital bed, taking in his surroundings.

He looked around in a daze, and felt someone thing next to him. Oikawa looked down, and saw a sleeping Ushijima. Oikawa nearly died from how soft and peaceful he looked.

Oikawa stroked Ushijima's hair, and noticed the bruises and blood on his face. 'Oh my god, what happened to him?!' Oikawa thought as he ransacked his brain, searching for answers. Then he remembered. He remembered desperately running away from three men, and getting caught. He remembered how he screamed for Ushijima and struggled. He remembered everything up until he passed out.

"Wakatoshi what happened?" Oikawa held Ushijima's face and stared. There were several specks of dried blood on his cheeks and nose. His hair was tousled and messy, and his cheeks and jaw were bruised.

Oikawa was heartbroken. What caused his soulmate to be hurt like this? Oikawa took Ushijima's hands in his and thought. He had so many things going on at once in his head, it was impossible to focus on one thing. 'I should probably call a nurse or something to patch up Ushijima, I can't bear to see him like this.' Oikawa turned away from Ushijima and pressed the nurse button.

A few moments later a nurse came in and asked what was the matter. "Hello Miss! If you wouldn't mind, could you patch up my soulmate up here?" Oikawa said, gesturing to Ushijima. The nurse nodded and tapped Wakatoshi's shoulder.

Several taps later Ushijima stirred. "What happened, am I in heaven...?" Oikawa laughed, "No you're not silly, you're going to get some bandages and medicine, you look beat." Ushijima jumped at Oikawa's voice and immediately enveloped the boy in a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok Tōru!" Ushijima said. Oikawa looked at the nurse, and the nurse nodded. "Mr. Ushijima, please follow me, you need some bandages and anti-infection creams."

Ushijima gave Oikawa a quick kiss on the forehead and left. Oikawa sat in his hospital bed, red as a tomato. He sat there blushing until he heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" Oikawa said. The door opened and a couple walked in, they were Oikawa's parents. "Mom, Dad!" Oikawa smiled and hugged his parents. His parents smiled back and began bombarding their son with questions.

"Are you ok?"

"What happened"

"You got a soulmate?"

"How's school?"

"I'm ok, yes, I did get a soulmate, and school is going pretty well!" Oikawa answered. His mom noticed he didn't answer their second question, and pressed on. "What happened Tōru? Why are you at the hospital? You had me and your father so worried."

Oikawa sighed in defeat and explained what had happened. His parents wore shocked expressions and comforted their son. Oikawa was crying at this point. He was so scared, he didn't know what might've happened if Ushijima hadn't gotten there in time, he had just hit his limit.


Tōru's parents hugged their son one last time and waved goodbye. Oikawa was alone again. 'Jesus, is giving Ushijima a few bandages and creams THAT time consuming?' Tōru sighed and slumped back into his hospital bed.


"Oh my lord. Seriously how much longer until I can see Ushijima?!" Oikawa was frustrated, it had been nearly an hour and Ushijima still hadn't returned. Oikawa pressed the nurse button once again. This time, a different nurse came. "Hello Miss, have you seen a nurse about this high," Oikawa gestured, "and brown hair about this length?" Oikawa gestured once more.

"Oh, I saw her and a boy going to room D-17 around half an hour ago!" Oikawa's eyes lit up. "May I go see them? I'm feeling alright." He looked at the nurse who had no response, and put on his signature smile, "Please?~" The nurse blushed, "S-sure, let me just get rid of the IV drip..."


Oikawa was now heading to room D-17. He had asked around and got some funny looks. Oikawa made his way around the huge hospital and finally made it. 'Finally... stupid stairs...' Oikawa caught his breath opened the door.

"What the fuck."

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