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Word Count: 1079 (not including this)

Oikawa Tooru was hopeless. The boy sat slumped in his desk. Everyone in his year had got their soulmate string. He was what everyone hadn't expected. Girls were throwing themselves at his feet, yet the good looking 18 year old still hadn't gotten his string.

Oikawa growled in annoyance as he saw couples sauntering past him. All lovey dovey. He hated it. He hated seeing people experience and have something he didn't. He was never going to be any less than anyone. He always scored top marks, won nearly every game of volleyball, and won the hearts of so many girls. Why was getting his string so hard?

'Dammit. How can everyone else get a fucking string but not me?! What do I not have that they do?' Oikawa sulked. He looked around, glaring at everyone and stood up. Exams were coming up anyways, he might as well go study.

"Shittykawa!" A voice yelled behind Oikawa. Oikawa turned around and saw Iwaizumi with his girlfriend. Oikawa internally groaned seeing Iwa-Chan's girlfriend. "Hi, we've met? I'm Iwaizumi's girlfriend, you must be Oikawa-san, correct?" The girl chirped. Iwaizumi pecked her cheek and said, "Yeah, Shittykawa you know her right? She went to one of our games the other time!"

"Yeah, I guess.... Oh! Was that my phone!?" Oikawa exclaimed as he pulled out his phone and pretended to be on a call. "Oh, ok, yeah, see you soon!" Oikawa turned around to face the couple and quickly said, "Well, I guess I got to go, see you two later!" Oikawa said turning around and gagging as soon as his face wasn't visible to the pair.

As he sprinted to the library, Oikawa realized that final exams would be tomorrow, not next week like he originally thought. "Holy shit!" Oikawa exclaimed once he reached the library, practically ripping the place apart in search of his textbooks. 'Shit, shit, shit!' Oikawa ripped out his chemistry textbook, flipping through the pages like a mad man.


Five cups of coffee and a fort made of books later, Oikawa had officially finished studying for his upcoming exams. He checked the time, 11:47pm. Oikawa nearly screamed. He packed up his bag and dashed back to his dorm. He had to wake up at 6am tomorrow, there was no way he'd make it at this rate.


Oikawa was panting like a dog when he reached his dorm. He hastily unlocked the door and threw his things to the side upon entering. Iwaizumi was sleeping soundly in his bed, snoring. Oikawa sighed and took a quick shower. After taking a well deserved shower, he collapsed onto his bed. Oikawa laid in bed and thought about today's events, before sleep took over him.



Oikawa tumbled out of bed. His dark brown locks littered his face. The boy looked at the time, 5:30am. Oikawa had half an hour until exams would commence. Oikawa scrambled for his glasses before brushing his teeth, putting on his clothes, yelling at Iwaizumi, and getting his bag. In ten minutes flat, Oikawa was running to campus, flipping through his notes.

It was 5:50. Oikawa was trembling in front of the testing room. He nervously shuffled his feet cursing to himself 'I should've studied calculus a little more..' Before putting on his signature smirk and sauntering in.


Two agonizing hours had passed. Oikawa came out of the testing room, his hair a fluffy mess. Iwaizumi was testing too, but his test would last until 10am. During this time period, Oikawa decided to go to his favorite cafe in town.

Oikawa took a ten minute walk through the city, and admired the scenery. Oikawa thought what it would be like if his soulmate was with him. He imagined holding hands, cracking corny jokes, and just being able to love that person to infinity. Soon Oikawa found himself in front of the quaint little cafe.

He greeted the elderly woman who ran the shop, "Hello Nakamura-San, may I get a piece of milk bread?" The elderly lady smiled. Oikawa was a regular here and he was like her own grandson. "Of course sweetie, how are you?" The woman asked, getting Oikawa's milk bread. "Mmm I'm doing ok, I just took my exams, I think I did well." Oikawa said. The old lady packed his milk bread and handed it to him. "Of course you did well honey, you work so hard. With your brains and skills you'll definitely be successful." Oikawa smiled at this. "Thank you, I hope you stay healthy, goodbye!"

Oikawa waved to the elderly woman and walked back, enjoying his milk bread. As he walked he saw kids playing, it warmed his heart. Seeing children made him happy, just not what he saw next. He saw two teens, around his age, kissing each other. Oikawa cringed at this and quickly walked away. As he tried to forget this disgusting scene, he suddenly remembered something. Volleyball practice was in exactly 20 minutes.

Realizing this, Oikawa stuffed the milk bread into his mouth and ran to the gym.

He had nearly made it to the gym without a scratch, when he tripped over a rock. Oikawa was sent flying towards the ground, and landed on his bad knee. "Oh holy shit!" The brunette screamed. Oikawa hugged his knee and was wallowing in despair. He had hurt his knee enough from previous events, now he just had to hurt it before the practice match with Shiratorizawa.

As Oikawa wailed in pain, Iwaizumi had just kissed his soulmate goodbye and was prancing towards the gym. He had finished his exams and felt free of the chains that once held him. As he hummed his favorite tune, he tripped. He tripped over Oikawa. This resulted in Seijoh's captain and ace wailing in pain outside the gym. Iwaizumi cursed and got up. He took one look at the captain's face and knew the dummy had landed on his bad knee.

Iwaizumi tried picking up Oikawa, but the boy wouldn't budge. And so Iwaizumi did the most sensible thing a friend would do. He took Oikawa by the wrists, and dragged him into the gym. Oikawa, trying to be as dramatic as can be, continued wailing in pain as he was seeing dragged.

But as soon as Oikawa was in the gym, he felt a sharp pain in his pinky. This time the pain was real.

Thankyou for choosing this story, you won't be disappointed :)

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