Time For You To Shut Up

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Harry: Come on guys, stop mucking around. We only have 5 minutes until our show is on.

Manny: Yeah, we can tell how much really you care about it through the lack of emotion through your voice.

Harry: Shut the fuck up.

Manny: *scoffs* Asshole...

Robin: tHaT's NoT eNoUgH tImE!!

Manny/Harry: SHUT UP!!

Tony: There's always time for a so-

Manny: Oh hell no!! *throws rock at Tony, making him fall*

Tony: ACK-!

Harry: Wha- Who is that?

Robin: Bro, stop looking at the cameras.

Harry: My bad.

Manny: Bro, I don't know what you want but can it wait.

Robin: Yeah can't you see we're busy waiting.

Tony: *looks over at TV* Ok, there's nothing even on. Y'all need to upgrade, this T.V. hasn't worked since the 80's.

Robin: You lucky it's on commercial!

Tony: *clicks tongue* SHUT YOUR DUMBASS UP!!

Manny: Ugh, what'chu want?

Tony: I only wish to teach you about time!

Robin: Let's just get this over with,,


Tony: Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your rizd!!

Tony: Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your rizd!!

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Manny: Touch me again and you're dead. Also, you spelled "wrist" wrong.

Tony: ...Douche


Robin: What's the time?

Tony: It's a quarter to nine.

Tony: It's a quarter to nine

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Time to have a bath!!

Robin: What the hell- DID YOU TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFF?!

Tony: Unimportant.

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