"Look its a long completely fucked up story. So dad, he had another family before us. He left his wife and his kid and moved and then he found mom and they started dating. But he left a son alone. Yoir to young to remeber but he came looking for dad-Hell he was named after dad. But the old ass said he had no other son. He brother his oldests heart. He shut him oht and abandoned him twice! Thats why I left Lisa, I could remember that summer day in seventy-Five. I knew dad was lying. I could tell he was my big brother. So I went looking for him and I found him. I stayed with him for a while. Lisa your an Aunt of three kids. Joanna, Gunner and a furture baby that his wive his pregant with now. They're great kida and He would love you!"

Lisa smiled. "So his names Frank?" Billie shook his head. "He legally changed it. He's Nikki Sixx now." Billie watched with amusement as his sisters eyes grew. "NO WAY!" The man laughed. "Nikki Sixx as in Mötley crüe!?" She shrieked.

"So your a fan of our brother are you?" He joked. "Yes! Who isn't a fan of Mötley crüe? I-I miss Vince though." She said with sad eyes. "Don't worry hes happy. You wanna met e'm all?"

Billie walked into his hotel room and picked the phone up.

"Hey Nikki, I have a surprise for you- So our sister came looking for me. Yea. Said dad died- She didn't realize you were her half brother and shes a fan of the band. She wants to say hello and meet her family."

He sighed when Nikki answered with a happy 'Well then bring ber here Man!' 

"Well here's the catch man. I have to go see my mom. Shes messed up over dad. I know he was an ass who didnt nothing good for you but- Maybe you could get some closure if you came with us. I'd really like you to meet my mom. I know she's nothing to you but she dosnt even know about you. Dad always lied and I-I know she'd think of you as hers. You deserve a loving parent. Just-Please?"

Nikki sighed. "I-I don't know man. I-I mean Mick just said he wanted to start our album. Says hes feeling better but. I-."

Billie sighed. "Please Nikki, for me and for yourself. Go to the funeral and put him in the ground. Stop letting him hurt you because you might have changed your name but your still hurting Nikki Sixx.

"Nikki?" Rebel asked seeing the man was upset holding the phone. "Nikki?" She asked again leaving Johnny. They were playing music together again with Lita, Marty, Lonny and Frankenstein.

"Who is it?" She asked seeing the mix of emotion in his eyes. The man was reliving the day his father slammed the door in his face and sais he had no son other than Anthony.

Rebel sighed and took the phone hearing soneone repeat the mans name on the other end. "Hello?" She asked softly.

"Rebel, I need Nikki to come with me." Billie saod sotly. "Where? Billie are you okay?" She asked fearful. "Our dad died and my-my mom needs me but-I think this would be closure!" Rebel glanced at Nikki. "Okay. But if you want him to go then you'll have to put up with a few more going. I can't make him go alone. He'll need me." Billie smirked. "I was hoping you'd say that. See you soon."

Nikki blinked when she hung up. "I can't go!" Nikki snapped. "You wont be alone okay. You need this. This is the last part of your healing." Rebel said looking into his eyes. The bassist sighed.

"Okay. Fine but Brandi and the kids don't need to go. I don't want them seeing the ass hole even if he his dead." The man snapped leaving the room.

"Baby?" Brandi asked watching him stomp out of the house. "He'll be alright. Just give him a second Brandi."

"Rebel!" Johnny called with a smile.

Sharon sighed and followed Nikki outside. "Wanna talk about it sweet heart?" She asked sitting next to him on the porch. "Nothing to talk about Sharon." The manager sighed. "Now now you know thats not true. I know you Nikki and I know about your father." Nikki gave her a look. "H-How?" She smiled. "You told me remember?" She asked taking his hand. "Years ago now. Rebel and Mick here fighting. You were on the summer tour. It was before Sebastian punched Rebel in the face I think." Nikki gulped. "I can't remember telling you about it. I-." She sighed. "Well you were very into drugs then. I even found you if you remember. The point is you shared both your and Rebels past with me. Your childhoods were rotten and Im sorry for it. But perhaps your cousin and brother are correct. This could help you and I think having your children and wife with you would be most helpful. As well as Rebel and some others your close with. It might be a funeral for a man you hardly knew but none the less as terrable as the man was-He gave you life." She said softly.

"Nikki?" Brandi asked softly. "Baby, how would you and the kids like to fake a trip with me and Rebel?" The man asked standing. "Where?" She asked confused. "My fathers funeral." He answered glancing at Rebel and Mick. They were standing in the door say.

"I'll go along to Nikki." Mick said with a somewhat smile. Nikki sighed looking down.

"Lets get packed I guess." He said taking Brandi's hand. Sharon smiled and walked back inside.

Nikki closed his eyes. Could he really do this?


A few chapters will be around this. Thanks for reading

Who do you think should go with Nikki?

Brandi, the kids, Rebel and Mick already agreed to go.

But who else if anyone should???

Let me know please.

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Where stories live. Discover now