Sleepover wit the bros

Start from the beginning

(I) "Yes? What do you need- Hey!"

Mondo pushed the door open, immediately eyeing my papers.


(I) "I know, but you didn't let me study at all yesterday! I had to catch up, so I decided to do some in here."

Mondo sighed before pulling me into a hug, rubbing my head. His hugs were always so comforting...

(M) "Listen, I know you take yer damn studies and shit real seriously, but you need a damn break! You'll fuckin kill yourself if ya keep working 24/7!"

I hugged a bit tighter. I felt bad for making him concerned all the time about me.

(I) "I'm sorry Mondo, you know how difficult it is for me to relax though..."

(M) "Yeah, but goddamn am I gonna fuckin try to get you to atleast relax for a fucking day!"

I giggled a bit, he cared so much and it made me so happy. I looked up at him before placing a light kiss on his lips. Mondo went red. I laughed a bit more. We both walked out of the bathroom. 

(L) "SooOoooOoOO...what'd you two do in the bathroom?"

Mondo's face went red, and so did mine! Chihiro giggled a little and Yasuhiro was laughing with Leon.

(M) "I swear to go i'm gonna fuckin kill ya Leon."

(L) "SuREeeE- OW FUCK!"

Mondo threw his shoe at Kuwata!

(I) "Mondo! You shouldn't throw things in Chihiro's house, or at Kuwata!"

(L) "YeAhhHH MoNdOo DON't THroW SHiT At mE!"

Mondo huffed and wrapped his arms around me again, resting his head on top of mine.

(I) "Mondo! PDA is not welcomed!"

(M) "Ishi, we're not in fuckin school, chill out."

Leon took some photos. Mondo was about to throw another shoe at Kuwata but I took it from him. He groaned a bit. I looked up and kissed his chin. His face became red and he hid himself in my hair.


(H) "Dude we literally made out the other day-"


Leon jumped on Hagakure and covered his mouth. Chihiro laughed a little more and stood up.

(F) "Y-You know, it's getting a bit late guys...why don't we sleep soon?"

(L) "Oh c'mon man, it's only 11!"

(I) "11 pm is strictly passed my sleep time! I suggest we should head to bed like Fujisaki stated."

Leon groaned and fell back down onto Hagakure, who wrapped his arms around Kuwata which caused Leon's face to match his hair.

(F) "Okay than! but i have a problem, i only have one guest room so one of you will have to sl-sleep on the couch...or I could give u-up my room for one of you!"

(I) "No need for that Chihiro! I will sleep on the couch while the others can take the spare room!"

(M) "But wait-"


Leon pulled both Mondo and Hagakure up the stairs somehow.

(F) "Well, i-if you insist on sleeping on the couch, than g-goodnight Taka!"

Chihiro gave me a small hug before running up the stairs.

(I) "Goodnight Fujisaki! Sleep well!"

I sighed before grabbing my bag and walking into his bathroom. I changed into a tank top and some pajama pants, not what I would normally sleep in but I couldn't find my usual sleepwear! I sat myself down on his couch before laying out my books again. I am determined to study atleast a little bit! I know it would make Mondo mad if he found me, but I must study! I began to lose myself in the textbook.

(Mondo Owada's POV):

Fuckin Leon, dragging me the hell away. I wanted to stay downstairs with Taka!

(L) "Alright! Me and Hiro will take the bigger bed and you can have the other one!"

(M) "Why the fuck do I get the small one?!"

(H) "I mean, unless you wanna sleep next to Leon-"


(H) "Than I guess you get the smaller one, bruh."

(M) "Fine, but if you two fuck i'm gonna fuckin kill you both."

Hiro made a fake moaning sound and bursted out laughing. Leon's face went red and I just groaned and threw myself on the smaller bed.

(L) "Bro I dragged us up here so we could frickin talk!"

(M) "Well i'm tired as hell so i'm gonna sleep, asshole."

I cuddled onto one of the pillow, imaging it to be Taka. God, I've been up here for 5 fuckin minutes and I already miss him!

(L) "Mondo, same goes for you. If you fuck that pillow I don't think Chihiro is gonna be very happy with you."

My face went red before I threw the pillow at Leon's dumbass head. Hiro laughed and caught him. We talked for a bit before Leon eventually fell asleep on top of Hiro. It was probably about 2 am when Hiro fell asleep too, leaving me to be the only person awake. I decided to check up on Taka. I snuck out the room and was about to walk down the stairs before I heard talking. I peaked down the stair case and saw Taka mumbling to himself while looking over his fucking text books. God dammit! I knew he would pull this shit again! I walked down the stairs, Ishi didn't notice me. God how does he get so damn focused on that boring ass shit!? I snuck up behind him and looked over his shoulder. He still didn't notice me somehow. He was continuing to mumble to himself.

(I) "Okay so if I divide that's, okay so...I-I...ugh how do I do this crap again?! God i'm so damn dumb sometimes..."

I couldn't even believe what the fuck I was hearing. Taka was swearing n shit?! AND HE WAS CALLING HIMSELF DUMB!? NO WAY, ISHI'S NOT DUMB HE'S SO DAMN SMART HOW THE HELL COULD HE EVEN THINK THAT SHIT!? I had enough of hearing him degrade himself. I wrapped my arms around him and put my chin on top of his head. His body tensed a bit and he gasped.

(M) "Sooooooo, you're ignoring your sleep for studying again, eh?"

(I) "M-Mondo! What are y-you doing up?! It's 2 in the m-morning!"

(M) "I can ask you the same damn thing."

(I) "W-Well, I am studying of course! Now, shouldn't you head to bed?"

(M) "Hold on Ishi, i'm not fucking sleeping until YOU sleep."

I hopped onto the couch next to him. I grabbed him and placed him under me before laying my head on his chest.

(I) "Mondo! You're going to crush me if we sleep like this! And I really need to get back to my studying! I w-was almost finished!"

(M) "Nope, I know for a fuckin fact that you'll just sneak out of my arms, plus it's cold as shit down here! I'm just warmin you up babe."

The room was pretty dark, but I could still see the blush spread on Taka's face when I said that nickname. God he's so adorable sometimes I can't-

(I) "Alright, but get the blanket and pillow! I don't wanna have a headache..."

I got up and grabbed the extremely soft blanket and pillow Chihiro had given us. Taka lifted his head and I placed the pillow under it. I climbed back on top of him and cuddled into his chest, tossing the blanket onto us. Taka started messing with my hair and rubbing my back and I started feeling myself drift away. To be totally fuckin honest, it was sometimes hard as shit to sleep without Ishi with me. He's just a perfect damn cuddle person! I looked up at him and swiftly placed a kiss on his lips. Taka was shocked for a sec, but than pulled himself down and quickly re locked our lips. We pulled away after a bit and I fell asleep on top of him, in his arms and probably blushing like a mad man still.

Word count: 1930! Finally some happy fluff bois. <3

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