Jungwon grew tired as well as the cashier.

"He'll have the Caramel Macchiato" Jungwon ordered randomly.

"But I don't want that!" Jay whined.

"You took 10 minutes to look for a drink and there are people waiting to order" Jungwon rolled his eyes playfully, collected his drink and went to the car.

Five minutes later Jay came in. He looked upset.

"What's wrong?" Jungwon asked him, genuinely worried.

"I don't like Macchiato" Jay pouted. Jungwon glared at him and continued drinking his Frappuccino.

Suddenly Jay grabbed Jungwon's drink and took a sip from it.

"Hmm this is way better!" Jay approved.

Jungwon face heated up. Jay just sipped his Frappuccino. They indirectly kissed! Jungwon's heart banged against his chest.

"Yah give m-me back m-my Frappuccino!" Jungwon  grabbed the drink from Jay's hand, turning to look out the window.

 Jay smirked. He loved the effect he had on the younger, a blushing mess.


"HE WHAT?!" Heeseung screamed.

"Hyung shush people will hear you" Jungwon looked around, luckily no one was watching.

"But he INDIRECTLY kissed you Jungwon!" Heeseung whisper shouted "He stole your first kiss"

"No he didn't. It wasn't a proper kiss" Jungwon defended. Suddenly remembering Jay's words. 'You already had your first kiss' Jungwon shook off the thought, turning his attention to Sunoo, who was busy smiling at his phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Jungwon and Heeseung leaned over to see who Sunoo was texting.

"Well... guess who scored a second date today!" Sunoo showed his phone to his friends. Jungwon frowned at the messaged. It was Jay. Jay asked Sunoo on a second date.

By now Jungwon was sure of his feelings for Jay. An idea popped in his head.

"How about me and Ni-ki tag along? Like a double date" Jungwon suggested, internally smirking at his idea. He's going to test Jay's patience today. Just to see if he will confess or not and rid these confusing thoughts from Jungwon's head.

"That's awesome!" Sunoo cheered.

"I wanna join too but Sunghoon's 'busy' with his friend Jake" Heeseung saddened at the thought.

"It's okay hyung. May be when Sunghoon hyung proposed to be your boyfriend you won't be so sad" Sunoo winked at him.

"Hey! No who's gonna propose to who!" Heeseung became a flustered mess at the thought.

Jungwon and Sunoo laughed at their friend's red cheeks. Jungwon texted Ni-ki about the dinner and he agreed with a warning ' if Jay even looks at you in a weird way I'll dig his eyeballs out'.


It was time for the 'double dinner date' Jungwon chose his best outfit he had which was really just a sweater and jeans but damn did he look adorable. He just hopes Jay notices him, for his little plan to work.

Ni-ki and Jungwon arrived at the restuarant. Jungwon chose this place as he knew the other three would chose something out of the ordinary.

There they were met with Jay and Sunoo who had arrived earlier.

Jungwon bit his lip nervously, feeling Jay's eyes on him. He looked up to be met with Jay's soft gaze. Once he was caught staring Jay quickly looked away.

Perfect! Jungwon thought. Now that he's got Jay's attention.

"Ni-ki baby?" Jungwon wrapped his arms around Ni-ki. The sudden nickname from Jungwon grabbed the three of their attention especially Jay's.

"Yes, love?" Jay's fist clenched at the name, eyes locked on their their arms.

"M'hungry" Jungwon rubbed his tummy, showing Ni-ki his cute bunny eyes.

"Let's go sit and order then" Ni-ki called the waiter.

After they ordered Jungwon leaned on Ni-ki's shoulder. Ni-ki not used to the affection from Jungwon but loved it nevertheless.

"So how do you guys meet before" Sunoo asked.

"You wouldn't believe it!" Jungwon spoke up faking his excitement "Ni-ki was a pizza delivery boy back then. One day my cousin ordered a shit ton of pizza and Ni-ki was the one to deliver it. Then my cousin dared me to get his number. Well how can I back out from a dare? I got his number and ever since he wouldn't stop texting me these cheesy complements" Jungwon genuinely smiled at the thought.

He onced loved Ni-ki but ever since Jay came into Jungwon's life. He's now snatching the position Ni-ki once held in his heart.

"Yea Jungwon never replied me for a while. He even blocked me until we realized we attend the same school. Then it was sky high from there" Ni-ki smiled at Jungwon intertwining their hands.

Jay clapped loudly, startling everyone.

"Wow what a fucking touching story. So why did you guys break up if you sound 'so perfect together" Jay asked, blood boiling at their 'love story'.

Jungwon noticed this and smiled. He wasn't satisfied yet, he wanted to break Jay. To get the truth out. He new Jay was keeping something from him but he woudn't budge.

"Well if you must know. My mother decide to move into this town. Ni-ki and I were too young to do anything so we decided to break up and now he's finally here with me!" Jungwon snuzzled his head on Ni-ki's shoulder.

"Oh how sweet!" Sunoo smiled at the couple.

"Yea how disgustingly sweet" Jay's voice itched sarcasm.

Their food arrived and Sunoo being the foodie he is started eating straight away. Jungwon soon finished his food and excused himself to the bathroom, not forgetting to leave a kiss on Ni-ki's cheek.

Jungwon washed his hands and face. He looked looked up to see Jay's relfection in the mirror, leaning against the wall.

"Gosh Jay you could've given me a heart attack" Jungwon held his heart, he got so scared seeing Jay there.

Jay remained silent and walked over to Jungwon. Jay's body was now inches apart from Jungwon who backed away until he was trapped because of the sink.

Jay leaned closer and closer. This wasn't part of Jungwon's plan. Jay's supposed to scream at him and tell him the truth behind that necklace, those familiar nicknames, how he knew what his favorite drink was.

"Do you think it's funny to test me like that baby bunny?" Jay's voice was so fucking deep. Jungwon bit his lip at the scary aura Jay gave off.

"I don't k-know what you're t-talking a-about" Jungwon stuttered.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know how much I love you" Jay voice was soft and calm yet deep and serious.

Jungwon's eyes grew wide at the sudden confession. Jay confessed, he wasn't actually expecting him to.

"You're lying. You're nothing but a player, a heartbreaker!" Jungwon didn't know where the confidence came from but he wasn''t gonna be fooled by Jay.

For a second Jay looked hurt but the expression quickly vanished.

"Call me what you want, pretty bunny but-"Jay's tone changed "doesn't wonie wanna kiss me?" Jay pointed at his lips.

Jungwon looked at him confused but suddenly a voice rung in his head.

"Wonie wonie don't you wanna kiss me, my lips are cold"

The voice was that of a child, Jungwon's confusion grew more than it had before. His head began to hurt and his vision turned black. 

He fainted.


A/N: Hey guys, did you like this chapter? 

I have another exam tomorrow gonna study now byebye. Take care and be safe. I love you guys <3

Pretend- Jaywon ff [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now