i'd give her the world if she asked for it

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*rosa's pov*

amy doesn't deserve this, i didn't think that this is what was wrong, i didn't want to think it was anything truly bad, i care about her, she's my sleuth sister. after talking to her, jake and the captain, i slowly head back to my desk motioning to gina for her to come over to my desk, i really need her right now.

gina walks over to my desk with a soft smile and reaches for my hand, she can tell somethings off, she knows my expressions well. "hey babe, what's wrong?" she says softly rubbing the palm of my hand. i fill her in, amy gave me permission, and i need to talk about it, my heart aches. gina looks at me with soft, sad eyes, she cares as much as i do. "oh rosa... thats just- its just absolutely horrible" she takes her hand and rubs her forehead and slightly looks over at amy then looks back me. "something else is on your mind babe i can tell, what is it?" i sigh lightly and look up into gina's eyes as she's standing and im sitting. "its just, we were about to tell squad about the baby, and getting approved for IVF, but now with amy, i think we should wait, i think we shouldn't make this all about us" i pause for a minute "so maybe we should wait just a little while longer, it'll be hard, but we should really be there for amy and i just-" gina sits on the corner of my desk and squeezes my hand a little. "hey rosa, calm down, youre spiralling, take a breath, everything is okay" she smiles lightly "so we wait a little while longer before telling, thats okay, you are right, we should wait, not make this all about us right now" she rubs my hand in a soft motion and i catch my breath slowly. "you know you're the best gina, seriously, i love you so much" i say smiling, she smiles back "i love you more softie" she winks at me and laughs lightly "hey, im tough, ask squad, they are all scared of me" i laugh back. "thats true but i know the real rosa, the soft and caring rosa, the rosa i love" she smiles once again.

after exchanging smiles i hear my name being said, its jake. he walks up to my desk and seems nervous and uneasy. "rosa we need to talk, im freaking out" gina gets up and pats jake's back and walks back to her desk seeing that jake needs me. "okay lets ask captain for a 15 minute break and go outside?" he nods approving of my idea. i get up and jake follows me to holts office. i knock lightly onto the half opened door. "excuse me captain" i pause "jake and i really need a minute to talk outside, can we have a quick fifteen minute break" i say in a monotone voice looking at him in his eyes. "yes of course, go do what you got to do" he says with his straight face, then looking a little concerned "are you guys okay?" he asks clearly referring to the conversation we had earlier with amy. "sir" jake cuts in "we aren't the ones we should be asking those questions to" he looks back at amy then back at holt. "this is about her, we should worry about her" jake exclaims nervously knowing that he probably shouldnt have talked back like that to the captain. holt nods"you're right peralta and believe me im worried about her, but its okay for you to not be okay too, she's your partner and friend, its okay to care" holt looks at jake still with his concerned face, i cut in after holt finishes his sentence " thank you captain, we appreciate that, and we appreciate the break too, we will be back in fifteen" i say keeping my monotoned voice. jake thanks the captain and follows me out of holts office walking towards the elevators. the elevator ride is silent, so is the walk out of the lobby. we step outside and after thirty seconds i break the silence.

"peralta, what's wrong?" i ask looking at him pace around the sidewalk, he doesn't respond at first so i say his name again. finally, he speaks. "im going over to amy's after work, not as a date really, just to support her, we are gonna order in and watch some movies" he says still pacing the side walk, he conutines "i dont think i can do this, rosa i cant do this, and i know this isn't about me, this is about her, and i want to be here to support her, she told me earlier she couldn't do this without me and asked me to stay by her side and of course ill do that but-" he stops for a second to catch his breath and stops pacing. "rosa what if im not good enough to support her, what if my feelings take over and turn everything to shit" he says looking down at his old worn out vans. i look at him "jake... if anything, your feelings for her will make you an even better person to support her and be here for her, your love for her will make sure that you never let her go and you support this no matter what. all she needs is some company to feel safe, you're great company, she even told you she needs you which means you're more then good enough for her" i place my hand on his shoulder. "look, who knows, maybe this will make you guys blossom into something with time, shell appreciate you more and see you as someone who stands by her side no matter what, she needs that" i say while jake nods a few times "you're right, i cant overthink this, i cant let my thoughts over power me, this is fine, it will be fine, i just need to be here for her, thats what she needs, thats what she asked for... and id give her the world if she asked for it"


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