we can finally help her

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*amys pov*

we grab a coffee and slowly make our way back to the precinct, we've been gone for well over an hour but when we come back i need to speak with captain and diaz so i dont think they'll mind us being late. jake promised me he'd stay with me and stay in the room with me and give me whatever i need for help, and i really appreciate it, i really need it. maybe ill be able to sleep, eat and function a little better now that im getting the help i need, maybe having jake by my side will help, man i appreciate jake so much.

we walk back into the precinct and jake motions to diaz so she follows us into holts office. "santiago, peralta, you guys are back, to what do i owe the pleasure, and diaz as well" he says while watching her walk in. rosa clears up that she in fact does not know what's going on and that she's just here because jake motioned her over. holt nods and motions us to have a seat. "well..." i say already struggling, jake noticing me struggle and places his hand on my shoulder. "this actually has nothing to do with jake but i dont feel comfortable talking without him in the room" i say looking at holt slightly and also looking at rosa. "its about teddy wells, in the 82nd precinct"
i sigh and nervous run my fingers through my hair, i feel like my throat is closing up and the walls are caving in. after a few a seconds of silence i explain to them the same thing that i told jake. "santiago, i'm sincerely sorry, the nypd, the squad, and i personally am here to support you through this" captain holt says in a low tone. rosa walks over to me and placed her hand on my other shoulder. it's nice to feel so secure and feel the love spread around the room. "what can be done?" i ask sniffling a little trying to hold it together. holt offers to give me some time off as a step one. "with all due respect sir, i need to work, keep my mind busy" i say firmly yet softly. he nods.
"we can get in touch with the commissioner's office and see about punishment, most likely some jail time, and he's guaranteed to be fired from the nypd" holt says as i nod lightly, that means i need to go to the hospital and have a rape kit done or at least run some tests, before it's too late, but if all goes well, he could get jail time, he can be put away, ill be able to breathe and live.
"i don't want the rest of the squad knowing guys" i look at rosa and holt, they both nod. i tell rosa that she has permission to tell gina, she's her wife after all and i trust them to keep it a secret.

*jakes pov*
while amy talks to the captain i place my hand on her shoulder to show my support and while they talk about the steps about what can be done i look over to rosa and mouth to her "this is what was wrong" she nods fully understanding what i just said. i will stand by her no matter what, she even said it herself, she can't do this without me, so ill never let her go.
rosa looks at me and gives me a slight smile indicating that we finally know what's up, we finally know what's wrong, we can finally help her. i turn back to amy with my hand still on her shoulder and i can see how hard she's trying to keep it together. she's so strong, she's got this.


you just can't be replaced | unfinished + unedited Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora