~School Fight~

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"Yeah she did and do you have a problem with it Emma?!" I said . I crossed my arms and looked at her. She really thought she was doing something...

"No I don't just know she probably will be bored of you soon like I did." Emma said.

"Woah don't say that!" Billie said.

I just wanted to rip her blonde hair out of her head and shove it down her throat. "That's your fault you're just jealous ." I said .

I could tell Emma was staring to get mad. "You know what fuck you!" Emma screamed.

"Exactly you have nothing to say back because that's the truth." I said and dropped down my backpack on the ground and stepped closer to her.

By this point I didn't care about lunch I just wanted to beat this bitch up. Emma stepped closer to me trying to act all tuff.

Emma pushed me away from her. "Oh really??" I said . I put my hand in a fist and punched her in the face. Emma hit the ground and looked up at me.

She kicked my leg, it felt like a feather touching my skin. I went to the ground and sat onto Emma. I slapped her in the face and spit in her eye.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack . Billie just stood there trying not to laugh. "Let's go Billie." I said and I grabbed her hand.

"Ms.Venus my office NOW!" someone said. I turned around and it was Mr.Brown. I looked back and saw Billie looking at my ass.

"Billie I'm going to get into trouble, I don't care though she deserved it." I said . Billie looked up at me,"Want me to come?" She asked.

I walked up to her and grabbed her hand again. I started to walk up to the front desk AGAIN with Billie.

"Over there in his office Venus." The front desk lady said. I never knew her name because I didn't care. Billie and I walked into Mr.Browns office and sat down on the couch.

"Well hello lady's again!" Mr.Brown said. Billie and I shook are heads.

"So why are you here Billie? If there's no reason for you to be here and get suspended with her." Mr.Brown said. I didn't want to leave here without Billie, she needed to come up with something smart.

"I was helping her cheer on the fight while she was punching the fuck out of Emma." Billie said. She looked at me and smiled. Thanks gif she was thinking what I was thinking .

"Okay well we are going to have to call both of your parents." He said.

I shook my head, I knew my dad was going to ground me but I didn't really care.  Mr.Brown Locke up the phone and dialed my dads phone number.

"Hi is this Frank, Venus's dad?" Mr.Brown said. I knew I was in so much trouble. I looked at Billie,"I'm going to get my phone taken away so I'll have to text you on my tablet my doesn't know I have ." I whispered to her.

"Okay." Billie whispered back. She kissed my cheek and looked at me," I didn't want to leave without you so I made up something so we can both get suspended." Billie whispered.

We were trying to be quiet so Mr.Brown couldn't hear us. "That's what I wanted you to do." I whispered back. I grabbed Billies hand and I started to blush.

"Okay girls both of your parents were called and they should both be here soon." Mr.Brown told us. I wasn't excited to see my dad for the second time.

"Okay cool I'm excited to go home and not be here at this shit show." I said. By this point I stopped giving a fuck about what is going to happen today.

I heard a knock on the door. It was my dad and Billies mom. We both stood up and looked at them. They both seemed so disappointed in us .

"I can't believe you right now Venus say goodbye to her and we are going home now." My dad said. I looked at Billie and gave her a hug. I didn't know if her parents knew about us yet.

"Bye I'll text you." I whispered. My dad and I left the office . I turned around and saw Billie peaking her head out the window.

She blew me a kiss and winked at me. I love her so much. I blew her a kiss back and looked at my dad. I could tell he was mad.

"I'm so disappointed in you Venus why didn't you just tell a teacher she was being mean to you and when we get home your going to give me your phone and also we are taking about you and Billie kissing and stuff." My dad said.

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