~Going Back~

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Billie left last morning and we haven't talked sense. But we told each other we were just going to talk again at school so I wasn't to worried.

I still couldn't get over the fact that Billie called me Babe for the first time. I was still driving to school. I chose to take the school bus so I didn't have to walk because my dad left for a business trip again.

Everyone was so loud but we were just pulling up to the school so I didn't have to be waiting in here anymore.

All I wanted to do is see Billie. The bus stopped and everyone started running out. I stepped out of the bus and saw Billie sitting on the stairs for me. She waved at me.

I started to run to her and I saw her stand up. I jumped into Billie arms. I was so excited to see her.

"I missed you so much." Billie said. I was soooo happy she felt the same way. I squeezed Billie tighter while hugging her and said,"I missed you more." I said.

Billie put her hands on my hips and smiled at me. She leaned in for a kiss and put her hand on my cheek.

She slid her tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around Billie and kept kissing her. I pulled away from her lips and smiled back at her.

"Let's go to class soon so the teacher will let us be partners." Billie said and grabbed my hand. We always made sure we could work together, the teachers new how we get when we don't work together.

Billie and I walked to the back of the classroom and sat in our seats. "Welcome to class today we are going to change partners!" Ms.Rose said.

When I tell you I wasn't happy I wasn't. I looked over at Billie with a pissed look. I always got so mad at other people if we are partners unless it's Billie.

"What the fuck!!" Billie whispered to me. She wasn't happy either about this.

"We can ask if we can work together!" I whispered to Billie. I raised my hand so I could ask Ms.Rose if we could be partners .

"Yes Venus?" Ms.Rose asked.

"Can Billie and I be partners still maybe?" I asked.

"Nope new partners." Me.Rose said and got back to calling out new partners. I didn't know why I was being so dramatic about this but I don't really like people I don't know.

"Maybe we can just get our partners and then we can FaceTime." Billie whispered to me. I turned my head to her and shook my head. I thought that was a smart idea .

"Venus and Sophia you will be partners this week." Ms.Rose said. I was still looking at Billie and I sighed. I wasn't to excited.

I looked over and saw Sophia waving at me. She was always so nice but I never took the time to talk to her. I was kind of excited to be partners with her.

She alway has cross earrings in. I thought they were always so cute. "Babe!" Billie whispered .

I turned my head away from Sophia after waving back and looked at Billie. "What's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see your face." Billie said. I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Billie and Emma your parents." Ms.Rose said. Once I heard that I stopped blushing right away.

"You can't go with her!" I said to Billie. I could tell Billie was worried to.

"I'll talk to her." Billie said. I was so nervous. Class was already almost over. I have to go home with Sophia today and work on our project after school.

"Thanks baby." I said. I stood up and started to pack up my bag because class was dismissed. Billie came up to me and kissed my neck.

"I am going to talk to her now you can go to class I'll meet you there ." Billie said. She bite my ear and kissed my neck again.

"Okay I'll see you soon." I told her. I threw my backpack on and walked out of class. Hopefully Billie can let her switch partners because I don't think this will end well.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked over to the side and Sophia was walking next to me. "Hey whats up?" I asked.

There was no reason for her to be next to me right now but I don't mind. "So who's house are we going to work at tonight?" Sophia asked.

"Whatever works!!" I said. We still had three minutes until next class and Billie hasn't came to find me yet.

"We can go to my house." Sophia said. I looked up at her and she was looking at me with a smirk on her face. I didn't really notice because I knew she wouldn't try to be weird with me.

"Okay I'll meet you after school l." I said. I kept walking and tried to get to my class as fast as I could.

~In Class~

I was still sitting here waiting for Billie. I wondered why she wasn't here yet. I dropped my pencil on my notebook and looked up. Billie was just waking into class.

I looked at her and she had lipstick on her cheek. I don't wear lipstick so I was wondering where that came from...

Billie sat in front of me in math. "What is that on your cheek?" I asked Billie. I didn't have to worry about the teacher yelling at me because we were working with our desk partners.

"What on my cheek?" Billie said. Her voice was a little low and she seemed nervous.

"The lipstick?" I said. I know she's not stupid and knows exactly what I was talking about. I started writing again in my notebook because I knew Billie did something.

I saw Emma walk into the classroom while putting lipstick on. I looked at the color of her lipstick and it looked exactly like the color on Billie.

I couldn't believe this right now. "Are you serious?" I said. Billie turned around and looked at me with a confused face. She whipped the lipstick off her face like I wouldn't notice .

"You kissed Emma didn't you." I said. I was trying my best not to break down in the middle of class.

"She kissed me it's not what it seems like Venus!" Billie said to me. I just ignored her. I kept on working with my partner and made sure I got my work done.

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