~Front desk pt.2~

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Why is my dad even here, I mean he should be at work or something. I started to get really nervous . "Billie my dad is here..." I said.

My voice stated to get really low because of how nervous I was getting. "Oh no...." Billie says. Her voice got a little low to.

We kept waking to the front desk and I soon approach my dad holding Billies hand. I really didn't think about anything. I forgot he wouldn't support me, dating Billie.

"Hi dad, why are you here!?" I said. I tried my best to sound as normal as possible. My legs were a little shaky from earlier before class.

"Why is Billie holding your hand Venus!?" My dad asked. Fuck!!! I look over at Billie and she's just staring at the ground. I bet she feels so embarrassed.

I lift Billies chin up and kiss her. I saw a big smile come across Billies face. "She's my girlfriend!! We are going to prom together in a couple days to, I couldn't be happier!" I said. I was doing this on purpose to get my dad mad.

I love Billie and my dad, but if he can't support me then he can say bye to me. I looked at my dad and his face got a little red. I knew he was pissed. "This isn't okay Venus, your so disgusting, wait till the whole family hears about this, I'm leaving." My dad yelled.

He didn't even say bye to me and he just stormed off. I knew my dad hated me now. "He hates me, let's go baby I wanna get back to class." I whined. I started to feel a little sad about what just happened.

I just stood there in the hallway and watched my dad storm out of my school. Great, both my parents are out of my life. "He doesn't hate you he is just disappointed that's all, half of my family was the same way when I came out, people are like that and I know it sucks but we have each other for a reason." Billie said.

She walked in front of me and looked me in the eyes. There were tears building up in my eyes. I felt a couple tears drop down my face. Billie smiled at me and whipped my tears away. "Don't cry." She said.

Billie stepped closer to me and put her hands on my waist and came closer to my hips. "We got this ." Billie whispered. I loved Billie so much but I don't know if she is ready for me to say that yet.

Billie leans in for a kiss, her soft lips touched mine. I put my hand on the side of Her face and pulled me even closer to me. "Girls!!!" Someone said.

I stopped kissing Billie and I turned around and saw the principal. "I still wanna see you guys in my office, come on." Mr.Brown said. His bald head always made me laugh.

Billie reached out for my hand again. "Shit, I got to much into that kiss I forgot we needed to go to the front desk." Billie said. She  made me giggle a little bit. I grabbed Billies hand and started walking into Mr.Browns office.

I had no idea why we were here to be honest, I know being late to class once this week didn't have to be this serious. When we walked into the office and told us to sit down.

He had a little grey couch in his office, Billie am I sat down next to each other. Billie placed her hand on top of my thigh. I didn't say anything because I loved when she did that.

"So I see you girls are, yeah okay so both of you guys were late to class today, right?" Mr.Brown said. I didn't know why he was asking us this, it's not that serious like I said, to be late to class once..

"Yeah we were, I'm wondering why you brought us here to ask us if we were late to class?" Billie asked. I looked over at her and smiled. I knew Billie saw me smiling at her.

She started to rub her hand around my thigh. It turned me on, but we were in the principals office . "Well, did you girls use the teachers bathroom today, because we don't mind but we just want you guys to know what bathroom to use next time." He said.

I knew he was catching onto us. "No, we both didn't go in there I just used the teachers bathroom." Billie said. I knew Billie was trying her best not to get us into trouble .

"Okay, just use the student bathroom next time please, you girls can go." Mr.Brown said. I didn't even want to say anything to him, I'm still sad about my dad. Billie and I stood up and staryed to walk out the door.

"Venus, I'm so sorry about your dad everything will be fine soon!" Mr.Brown told me . I turned my head and smiled at him,"Thanks." I said and kept waking with Billie.

I shut his office door behind me and started to laugh. "He almost caught us that's funny." I giggled. Billie started to laugh along with me.

"Yeah he did, but I'm not finished with you yet." Billie said. She kissed my neck and left a another hickey on the other side of my neck. well... now i really couldn't cover them up now.

"Billie!!! I already have like 20 hickeys on me!!" I told her. She pulled away from my neck and just smiled. She really didn't care at all.

"I know, I just want people to know your mine." Billie said. Ugh, I loved when she teased me like this. I just smiled at her, I wanna tell her I love her so much right now, but I was scared she didn't love me back.

"It's lunch time let's go!!" I said. I grabbed her hand again and started to walk down the hallway out of the front office . I started to forget about my dad because I was with Billie, I didn't have to worry about my problems when I was with her.

I took a pause as Emma just stood i front of me as i turned the corner. "Well Billie really did you well didn't she." Emma said. I couldn't believe this bitch right now......

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