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Bella's POV
I had no other choice but to kill my self. Maybe just maybe i could use it to convince my father to stop all of this. But there was only one way to find out. All the death eaters came running I couldn't do both things at the same time. So i decided to call my snakes they should be done in the great hall by now. While the snakes were attacking the death eaters i had to do the impossible.....convince my father to stop to stop everything i knew he wouldn't stop after all this waiting and planning I just had to hope he would.
"Your snakes wont last long Bella"
"Yes and neither will i", i said
"What do you mean of course you wont-", my father said with a confused look on his face
I put my wand up to my head of course all my friends tried to stop me but for this plan to work i just had to ignore them and carry on.
"Bella even you wont be dumb enough to kill yourself you just cant", Hermione said
"Its over Hermione. He. Has.Won...."
"Bella no please don't leave me like this i beg you this is to far we-", says Draco
"I love you Draco..."
"Bella no please", Draco got up from the ground even though he was in pain he ran towards me but it was to late.
"Bella don't you dare"

Draco's POV
I didn't understand what she meant at first but it was to late when it hit me. She uttered those very exact words that i was afraid she would say. Her body fell right to the ground right in front of me and I couldn't do anything.
"BELLA NO", i ran straight towards her and hugged her body tight.
The fact that her FATHER didn't even try to stop her or feel anything annoyed me the most.
"How could you?!"
"She saw it coming"
"But she was your bloody daughter and you didn't even-"
"As much as i want to turn back i cant I've come to far to stop right now mr Malfoy and i am very aware she was my daughter", tom said as he turned on his heel and started walking away.
"She was didn't give a fuck about her at all"
I think no i know when i said that it hit a nerve. He stopped right there and turned around to say something his mouth opened but no words came out as if he couldn't say anything because he KNEW he didn't care about her he just bloody used her.
"Bellatrix get the others and bring them over to the school I'd like to see them all die in front of everyone", he instructed
"Yes my lord but what about the body"
"Leave it there can rot"
"Yes my lord"
The other death eaters grabbed everyone else while they were weak so they couldn't fight back.
"Come on Draco we need to go", said Lucius
"Father i cant just leave her here-"
"She's dead she cant feel anything lets go"
"I said lets go"
"Lucius", my mother came towards us and slightly shook her head, "um Draco dear we should go you can come back here um after if you want to uh"
I got up despite not wanting to i had one last look at where she was lying on the ground and carried on. The moment she killed her self kept on replaying in my head it was as if my whole world just fell apart.

A hour later
I came back to the forest where she died .Voldemort was about to kill the rest of my friends and I couldn't bare to see it i already lost bella I didn't want to see the rest of them gone to. When i got there I couldn't believe my eyes. I almost thought i was delusional. The body was gone and a few feet away form where it was lying was BELLA standing up looking at the clouds. I ran up to her to check if i was seeing things or not. I was about to touch her arm to check when she said.
"Hello Draco"
"Bloody hell you scared me!" , i said i did not actually expect it to be real, "wait how-"
"It was all part of my plan Draco"
I spotted anther body on the floor but this time it was a guy.
"That is Steve"
"Oh please tell me you didn't kill someone"
"No and if i was going to i would've hid the body"
"Ok well what was that all about when you died and-"
"Draco that wasn't me"
"Draco, Steve is a death eater who's memory I erased and then used a poly juice potion to make him look like me"
"Ok no one would be stupid enough to kill them selves what about-"
"I just told him he had nothing to live for and that he had no family and-"
"Yea ok that's enough- wait if your here then you can help me rescue the others"
"No need they're all safe"
"But i saw them he was about to kill-"
"Draco they were other death eaters who i made look like them they swapped places when we were following bellatrix so she could lead us to tom"
"Why would you call your father-"
"He is not my father and i am not his daughter he didn't even bother about me i saw the whole thing Draco when i 'died' he just carried on as if nothing happened", Bella said as she was trying to hold back tears.
"I'm sorry Bella"
"No its not your fault he doesn't care"
"Anyways where are the others you know the original version of them selves"
"Oh follow me"
She lead me somewhere deep in the forest i remember when i first came here for detention it was horrible yet it didn't seem to bother Bella.
"Bella this is just a pile of leaves"
"Hold on"
She removed the leaves and it revealed a secret door. It was decorated with snakes sort of like the door in the chamber. Bella stated speaking parseltoungue and the snakes started moving around and it opened the door.
"Brace yourself"
"For wha-"
She grabbed my hand and we started falling through the door and landed on a pile of what I assumed was bones.
"Where are we?"
"This is a secret tunnel that only i know about i told the guys to wait here so no one else would spot them"
"Hey what's that other door for?", i questioned as i pointed to the other side of the tunnel.
"That is where everyone else is going to come through", Hermione explained
"What do you mean everyone"
"You'll just have to wait and see"

At Hogwarts- Neville pov

"Harry potter is dead!!!!!!"
All of the death eaters started laughing as Voldemort pointed to the dead body on the floor. Everyone was shocked that Harry barely tried to fight back. Except for me, luna and Ginny.
"Now all of you people have a choice you could eater join my army or...die", Voldemort started laughing
No one moved.
"So as no one is coming forward i assume you all want to die oh well good enough for me"
Another death eater started to whisper something in Voldemort's ear. I couldn't here them but i knew what was going to happen bella had told us everything she heard at the death eater meeting.
"Ahhh yes that's a great idea but do not talk unless i say so ill let it slide ....for now"
I hoped that Bella's plan would work because if it failed lets just say there would be loads of funerals.
"Ok since you all are going to die you might as well die all together you have one last chance if you want to join"
Once again no one moved.
Everyone stared gasping as us three went in. Fred and George went inside and the rest of the Weasley family must have thought they were crazy but soon followed as well. As soon as the doors closed me,luna and Ginny ran.
"Where are you guys going", asked George
"To Bella's room", luna responded
"Wait why?", questioned Fred
"So we can live that's why !", said Ginny
Everyone exchanged glances and soon started following us. We found the door Bella was talking about it was under her bed.
"Um anyone here knows how to speak parsel  tongue", i questioned everyone looked down
Ginny stepped forward and somehow opened the door. Everyone looked at her shocked.
"What Bella taught me some now let's go unless you wanna die", she said
Everyone jumped inside and started walking inside the tunnel.
"HARRY" , Ginny ran towards him as she gave him a hug
"Bloody hell i thought you guys were-", said George but Bella cut him off
"Dead yea i know I'm just glad my tunnel was big enough", said Bella
"Hey do you guys smell smoke?", asked Ron 
"Oop that must mean its time", Bella ran towards the other door and opened it

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