The dare

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At bella's dorm
"Right everyone's here, what should we play first"
"Oooh I know what about truth or dare!",says Ginny
"Yesss lets play that, ok who's going first"
"I'll go first",hermione looked around the room very carefully and says,"Bella! Truth or dare"
"Oh gosh i guess i choose dare, go on fire at me"
"Ok i dare you to kiss-"
"Oh no", i bury my head in my hands
"I dare you to kiss mr potter", she says dramatically with a devilish smile on her face
"No way I'm not letting you kiss-"
"Draco don't worry its fine"
I go up to harry and give him a kiss which lasted five seconds longer than it should've. I opened one eye slightly and looked at draco. He looked as if everything in the world had just stopped and his heart had just shattered. I pull away and sit back down feeling a little guilty. After a while we went through some crazy dares and loads of truths. Just as everyone was about to sleep i got up to go to the toilet as I got up someone grabbed my arm i wanted to scream but they covered my mouth with their other hand and pulled me out my dorm. They turned me around to face them. I open my eyes to see the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy.
"Draco!, what are you doing",i whisper shout
"I need to talk to you"
"And you couldn't have done this any other way"
"Look I'm sorry but i didn't wanna say it in front of anybody"
"Ok well can you just hurry though I'm freezing", i shiver a little
"Oh um here", Draco takes his hoodie and puts it on me i blush a little
"Oh um i",I keep stuttering not knowing what to say
He smirks, "speechless are we"
"Shut up !"
"Your cute when your angry"
"Fine jeez I wanted to ask you something but you have to answer truthfully ok"
"Ok", this time a little concerned about what he was about to say
"Do you love me?"
"I said do you love me", he repeated once more
"Draco we've been over this of course I do"
"Its just when you said you didn't hate me i kinda felt like- like you didn't mean it"
"What Draco of course i meant it"
"We'll it didn't look like you meant it when you kissed pottah"
"Draco that was a-"
"A dare yes but you could've denied it i bet its just to get back at me"
"Draco what do you mean"
"I mean-"
He paused. He just stood there. Stone cold frozen. Just then he started to break down a tear falling out of his eye.
"Bella i-"
"Go on"
"I always mess things up when it comes to any type of a relation ship", he said trying to hold back tears," when you kissed pott- harry it felt as if you didn't wanna be with me anymore like you preferred being with him"
"I saw the way you kissed him Bella i could see it on your face you enjoyed it"
"Ok maybe i did but Draco that was only for a dare plus its not like it's gonna happen again"
"I'm sorry Bella i don't think its good if we're together i think we should break up..."
"Draco no-"
"I'm probably gonna hurt you either way trust me i love you more then anything but its better this way"
"O-ok but Draco"
i run up to him and give him a kiss. I felt really sad broken almost i didn't wanna leave Draco i love him but if that's what he wants I guess I have to respect his decision. Ill have to love him enough to let him go. I pull away from the kiss.
" I love you"
"I love you to Bella"
And with that he leaves. I just stay stood there outside my dorm room. Tears filling my eyes i slide my back down the door and sit there on the floor. Knocking my head back i wonder to myself if it was my fault of why this happened between us. I notice that I'm still wearing his hoodie he already left though I decided I'd give it back to him in the morning but for now I lift his hood up and stay sitting there for what seemed like hours. I guess that's what happens in life you meet some one you love but then they drift away from you. Ive been through loads if break ups and with those i felt absolutely nothing and moved on with my life. But this ....this was different i actually felt my heart ache it was broken... broken into millions of tiny pieces and could never be whole ever again...

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