The sorting ceremony

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Bella's PoV
"Miss riddle please come and get sorted"
I walked up to the sorting hat and one of the teachers placed it on my head. My father had already told me that he had got slytherin so I guess I would to.
"Hmmm your difficult very difficult your cunning and have a thirst to prove your self  let it be SLYTHERIN" , the sorting hat bellowed
I walked over to the slytherin table and sat down all eyes on me. I looked over at the other tables I had spotted Hermione she was one of my friends I had made on the train.
After the feast I went to my dorm and unpacked all my things we had quidditch in a bit and I heard you get to use brooms I couldn't wait my father had never let me use a broom before. But I had to talk to hermione first she said she wanted to introduce me to some of her other friends.

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