ItS kIlLeD mEh!

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Bella's pov
"Isn't he beautiful,meet buckbeak",exclaimed Hagrid
"Hagrid exactly what is that?",questioned Ron
"That Ron, is a hippogriff ,first thing you wanna know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures and you do NOT wanna insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you do",explained Hagrid, "now who wants to say hello?"
Everyone stepped back. I thought the hippogriff was actually pretty cool.
"Ill go"
"Well done Bella", Hagrid smiled
"Bella no you cant are you mad"
"Don't worry Malfoy ill be fine I'm good with animals, I mean I used to hang out with a giant snake when I was younger yet I still survived, so you don't need to worry"
"Now you have to let him have the first move its only polite, so step up give him a nice bow and then you wait and see if he bows back"
I bowed to the hippogriff surprisingly he actually bowed back. Hagrid lifted me up and put me on the creatures back.
"Don't pull out any of his feathers he wont thank you for that",warned Hagrid
Suddenly the hippogriff started to lift off into the air. I was actually flying! It was amazing, soon after he landed everyone else had a go too.But then it was Malfoy's turn and this didn't go so well.......
"Yes your not dangerous at all are you, you great ugly brute!"
"Malfoy no.."
Buckbeak started going crazy. He stood up on his hind legs and hit Malfoy really hard on the arm. Draco fell on the ground in pain this is when Hagrid had to step in and calm buckbeak down by throwing some food.
"Woah woah woah... buckbeak oh you silly creature", snapped Hagrid
Running up to him I said, "What were you thinking Hagrid warned you I swear to god Malfoy do you ever listen"
"It's killed meh it's killed meh"
"Malfoy calm down its just a scratch", stuttered Hagrid
"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!", Hermione told Hagrid
"Ill do it I'm the teacher", he said while he scooped up Malfoy carrying him to take him to the hospital
"Your gonna regret this ! You and your bloody chicken"
"Class dismissed"
At hospital wing
Draco was lying down on a bed his arm all bandaged up. I can't believe he got hurt even when Hagrid warned him. Well to be honest that's a lie he never really listens does he. Hopefully Hagrid's ok, it was his first lesson that he taught after all.
"Hey blondie you feeling better",I asked him taking a seat
"Bella is that you?"
"Come on Draco your over reacting you'll be fine, what did they say any broken bones?"
"Yea my arm it hurts"
"Well if your ok enough do you wanna go for a walk to take your mind off your arm?"
He sat up straight, "um yea let's go for a walk I should be good enough to do that"
We went for a walk when Draco looked up and started panicking again. He grabbed my arm with his other hand and started running really fast.
"Draco what's wro-."
"Its that bloody chicken it's come back for round two! Come on follow me"
"Draco your being ridiculous he's not going to hurt your just be patient and calm with buckbeak you'll be fine"
"Well I'm not taking any chances my arms hurt enough I'm not going to lose another limb"
He ran far enough to get out of buckbeak's sight. We hid behind one of the trees even though it was pointless. After a while we looked to the side to see if buckbeak had gone to malfoy's luck he was. We went back inside and into the great hall.
"Im starving after all that running", he panted, " you fancy a apple or something"
"Um sure I could eat"
After we finished eating
"Hey I gotta go I promised someone I'd meet up with them, I'll see you in a bit ok"
"Ok I'll go find Hermione"
Just as Draco left I saw hermione and ran up to her.
"Hey mione"
"Hey Bella where's Draco?",she questioned
"Oh I think he's meeting up with a friend or something he said he'll talk to me later"
"Really cause that 'friend' of his looks like she's enjoying snogging with him right now"
"What?", I looked behind me to find Draco making out with some other girl. Pansy Parkinson.
I couldn't believe the nerve he had to do that. He lied to me. He tells me he really likes me and then goes out snogging with other girls. I was mad, tears forming in my eyes. Hermione saw and hugged me.
"Hey don't worry he's not worth it"
"He lied to me Hermione I don't think I could ever forgive him for that"
"Well let's do this we'll find the others and tell them what's happened and figure out a way to get back at him"
"Ok", I said wiping my tears, "let's go"

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