Mulai dari awal

My eyes never left him as they burned into him, the desire to watch him melt onto the stone-cold floor or burn him and hear his screams that would bring my ears immense pleasure. I walked out of the office as the door behind us closed. "Long time no see Evelyn," he talked as I ignored him, wanting to curl my hands into a fist and jab it onto his face. "I haven't seen you since the fifth-year party, are you and George still a thing?" He asked as I looked at him, not uttering a word. I looked away not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my answer as he proceeded to provoke me by letting his fingers stroke against my arm.

I jerked immediately away from his touch, almost pushing him away. "Touch me again Jackson and watch what happens," I threatened him as I tried to feel my wand in my robes.

"Feisty, I enjoy it." He laughed as a disgusted look plastered on my face. I tried holding back as much as I could.

"You're disgusting and vile." I spat at him as he continued to laugh it off like it was nothing.

"Are you trying to hurt my feelings, Evelyn?" He asked as I almost bit down on my tongue. Kill him. Just do it. No. No, you can't do that. "What makes you think you have the audacity to call me by my first name? You know what, don't call me at all. I'd rather die than hear my name mutter from your filthy mouth." I sneered at him as he disgustingly smirked.

"I liked you better at the party, so slutty, no back-talking." He eyed me up and down, staring at my skirt as I pulled out my wand, pointing at his neck.

"You look at me again, and I swear Jackson you won't be able to take another step."

"Awww—that's cute, but you won't do anything Evelyn, you're just a helpless little girl who I get to have my hands all over," he spoke as I wanted to stab into his neck with my wand, so he couldn't speak another word.

"You assaulted me, it's not something you should be proud of, that's not an accomplishment, it's an embarrassment, Jackson." I pushed my wand further against his neck, so badly wanting to bruise him—hurt him—I wanted to see him in pain—I wanted to hurt him.

"Tsk—tsk—tsk Evelyn, what are you going to do? Hurt me?" He laughed.

I moved my wand to cast a spell to watch him suffer—it would be temporary but at least it would be something. Everything had happened so fast that I couldn't comprehend how it could have possibly happened. As I moved my wand, he immediately took a hold of my wrists, pushing me back and into the walls as he held me in place.

"As I said, poor helpless Evelyn," he repeated himself as I fought back the tears in my eyes. Fight back Evelyn, fight back.

"You're pathetic Jackson." I sneered at his face as he smirked, making me gag internally.

"Why don't you be a nice little girl and do what's asked of you." He let go of my wrists as he picked up his bag. I was quick but so was he, as I waved my wand to cast a stupefy spell towards him, he had turned around to cast one back and someone else interfered.


He pushed me back, not letting Jackson's spell hit me as he cast a spell that shot purple sparks toward him. He went flying back as I watched Malfoy turn toward me, picking me up as he looked at me. I looked up at him with teary eyes as I parted my lips to say something, but I saw Jackson getting up as he got a hold of his wand, throwing a spell in our way. I attempted to push Malfoy out of the scene as Jackson's spell suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Professor McGonagall had stopped it. She stared at the three of us in the corridor, taking her time to observe each of us carefully. "There better be a good explanation," she spoke as I internally cried at the thought of possibly explaining to her what had happened that night.

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