"I'm breaking up with you."

Suddenly, all the happiness I felt vanished into thin air. My mind couldn't grasp what he was saying. I just stood there, frozen and rooted on the ground.

Then he said,

"I know I should have told you sooner but I can't will myself to tell you. You were so happy..."

I found my voice and said with heavy breaths,

"I am happy. We were happy."

"I am not happy anymore, Ky."

Then I felt like my heart's been ripped out of my system. It hurts. My lungs starts to malfunction because it suddenly became so hard to breathe. All I can hear was the pounding of my heart as it willed itself to stay strong and keep its shit together.

"Is there someone else?"

Charles looked away as I finished the question. There you have it Ky. Actions speak louder than words, indeed.

"I'm sorry." he just said instead.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye as I forced my feet to move. I ran to my car and just stayed there.

Then, all of a sudden, all the shock had gradually vanished and the impact of the events slapped me hard like a hollowblock.

The tears that I was holding a while ago started streaming down my face as I tried to breathe. My heart seemed like it's going to explode.

He broke up with me. For another girl.

Then all my defenses came crashing down as I cried my heart out inside my car.

I drove home with a clouded mind. I was even puzzled of the fact that I arrived home safely.

* * *
I stayed inside my house for very a long time after that night. I cut off every communications I had from the outside world. I shut myslelf completely.

I only allowed one person to see me. Jen. My bestfriend never left me. She was always there cheering me up and taking care of me when I decided to just stop living. She saw what a mess I was after the break up. I let myself fall apart knowing that I had my bestfriend with me. She never gave up.

It took a while when I realized that my life can't be over just because of that stupid break up. I swore to myself that I will never let myself be fooled again by those good-for-nothing bastards.

I fixed myself. I eliminated all the connections I had with Charles. Even our common friends. I changed my cirlce. And with Jen beside me, I coped up from that awful heartache.

End of flashback...

And just when I decided to love again, destiny played his cards on me and now, I'm broken.. Again.

And worst, we were never together to start with. Stupid four-letter word!

* * *

Jen must've realized something was wrong when I didn't reply to her texts, answered her calls, and her facebook messages.

She decided to drop by and pay me a visit.

A knock on my door woke me up from my slumber. I peeked from my covers and saw my mom's face. My parents had already arrived yesterday from the business trip.

"Jen's here."

"Thanks mom. Please send her here."

The moment Jen's eyes landed on my current situation, she frowned.

"What the hell is happening to you?!"

"I'm fucked up Jen." I said, forcing myself not to cry.

Her face finally softened and came running to my side as she hugged me.

"What? Why? What happened cupcake?"


"What? What about him?" she asked confused.

I hesitated for a moment but then realized that if there's anyone I could trust with this kind of problem, it was my bestfriend.

"He's with a girl."

She looked shocked. But then, recovered and said,

"Oh, cupcake.."

She hugged me so tight and that's when my walls came crashing down. I cried my heart out. I cried for my broken heart. I cried for my loss of a happy life. I cried. I cried like a child and Jen just stayed there, comforting me.

This looks like de ja vu. The very first time I had my heart broken and it was Jen who helped me get through it.

Indeed, I am blessed for having her as my bestfriend.

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